MC34063 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The MC34063A/E series is a monolithic control circuit which delivers the main functions for DCDC voltage converting. The device contains an internal temperature compensated reference, comparator, duty cycle controlled oscillator with anactive current limit circuit, driver and high current output switch.
The MC34063A Series is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required for DC−to−DC converters. These devices consist of an internal temperature compensated reference, comparator, controlled duty cycle oscillator with an active current limit circuit, driver and high current output switch.
MC34063A data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s MC34063A is a 1.5-A boost, buck, inverting switching regulator, operation from 0°C to 70°C. Find parameters, ordering and quality information.
IC output IC driver – 7.0 mA * 10 *The 100 Ω resistor in the emitter of the driver device requires about 7.0 mA before the output switch conducts.
DC-DC升降压芯片 (MC34063A/33063)典型电路与元件参数在线计 …
2024年9月9日 · mc34063是一款专为直流-直流变换器设计的单片双极型线性集成电路,它的核心特点是集成度高,内部包含了温度补偿带隙基准源、占空比周期控制振荡器、驱动器以及能够输出高达1.5a开关电流的大电流输出开关。
These devices primarily consist of an internal temperature-compensated reference, a comparator, an oscillator, a PWM controller with active current limiting, a driver, and a high-current output switch. Thus, the devices require minimal external components to build converters in the boost, buck, and inverting topologies.
MC34063A DC-DC Converter IC - Components101
2018年9月20日 · The MC34063A is a DC-DC converter IC, which is normally used to design Buck (step-down), Boost (Step-UP) or Inverter (DC to AC) circuits. It is an industrial standard IC and can be found in Automobile phone chargers to regulate 5V for mobile phones.
2020年6月25日 · mc34063仿真模型是一种用于仿真和分析mc34063电子元件的工具。mc34063是一款具有多种功能的开关稳压器芯片,常用于电源管理和开关电源设计中。
The MC34063A/E series is a monolithic control circuit which delivers the main functions for DC-DC voltage converting. The device contains an internal temperature compensated reference, …
Boost Converter Circuit Using MC34063 IC - theoryCIRCUIT
2019年9月9日 · The IC MC34063 is contains all the primary circuitry needed for building simple DC-DC converters. Following Circuit is designed to boost Input voltage from 5V to 10V using single power supply source. This boost converter circuit is most suitable to drive or bias output actuators in the microcontroller or microprocessor based design.