Telling the Time in English Vocabulary
2025年1月8日 · There are two common ways of telling the time. 1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes) 2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST / TO + …
英语中的时间表达法,这里全啦! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
It's six fifteen. =It's a quarter past six. 6. It's three fifty. =It's ten to four. 二. 世纪 、 年代 、年、 月 、 日 的表达. 注意:这种情况下,实际表达的世纪数是阿拉伯数字本身加一。 注意:缩写形 …
5:35为什么不说是twenty-five to six 而是thirty-five past five???
2012年4月3日 · 另外,最通俗且最简单的表示几点的方式直接说成数字即可,比如5:35,直接用英文数字表示即可. 我记得在我学习英语的时候,老师都对这个都讲得很仔细的,估计是你们没有认真听 …
Past和to在表示时间的用法上,有什么区别 - 百度知道
如8:35 可表示为twenty-five to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五(只限于30分钟以内) 以30分钟为标准,30分钟以前(包括 30分钟)都用past,半小时以后都用to 用法上,past表示 …
How to say the time in English – Examples and Reference
15:00 is 3 o'clock (p.m.) (on TV: fifteenhundred). That's why you use a.m. (Latin: ante meridiem) and p.m. (post meridiem) in situations where it is necessary to point out that you want to say in …
5:30用英语怎么说?有几钟说法? past, half 用在哪个时间段?_百度 …
1、最简单的用法,“小时+分钟”直接读此时5:30用英文表示为five thirty 2、所表述的时间恰好为半小时(half、past),可以用“half+pa.
八点35分是eight past thirt five还是thirt five past eight? - 知乎
在英语中,表达8点35分(8:35)有两种常用方式,它们都是正确的,但语气和正式程度略微不同: "Twenty-five past eight":这是英国英语中最常见且正式的说法,直接翻译成“八点过二十五 …
Telling the time: 35 past 11, three quarters past ten,
2009年11月6日 · 11:35 = thirty five past elevan (instead of twenty five to twelve) 11:45 = three quarter past elevan (instead of a quarter to twelve) 11:50 = fifty past elevan (instead of ten to …
Telling the Time in English | What Time Is It? How to Ask and Say …
We only tend to use ‘to’ or ‘past’ with minutes that are multiples of five (e.g. ’10 to five’, ’20 to five’, 25 past four’) but ‘quarter to’ and ‘quarter past’ when it is 15 minutes, and ‘half past’ when 30 …
Telling the Time - The English Space
There are different ways to write and talk about the time. You can say the same thing in different ways. This topic will show you how to tell the time and how to ask and answer questions about …