The "most likely" .357 magnum cartridge to kill a black bear
2015年8月30日 · The Swift A Frame are heavy duty expanding hollow points that come in 180 grain for .357. I would personally opt for a hard cast LFN, such as Buffalo Bore's offering to ensure penetration. Here's what Chuck Hawks suggests for bear defense and includes his recommendations for .357 ammo. Handguns for Protection in the Field
What's the hottest .357 Magnum ammo you have seen...
2011年6月29日 · double tapp ammo is always fine on the 10mm, true to box specs for me. but swamp fox is as hot as you can safely get. he has a 800 ft pound ME load for the 10mm, listed in the "supported chamber only" catagory of nosler 10mm 135 grain. korth revolver or coonan auto, coupled with swamp fox .357 ammo is the match made in heaven
.38 Special +P vs .357 ammo - Ruger Forum
2011年1月1日 · .357 magnum goes from light to heavy loads as much as .38 special wadcutter loads go all the way to +P loads. I think of "full house" .357 as pushing at least a 158 gr bullet as close to 1400 or more FPS. I'm much more at home with 158 gr moving at 1100 to 1200 FPS max. IMHO that's still a stout punch.
Suggestions for light 357 ammo? - Ruger Forum
2009年6月7日 · Yes, the 110 gr JHP loads for the .357 Magnum are about the most manageable Mag loads. I have not shot the specialty short-barrel loadings or the W-W Silvertip .357, so I can't offer anything on those. I still have most of a box of Remington .357 Mag 125 SJHP Medium Velocity rounds, which is now unavailable new.
Ruger SP101 Hornady .357 Issues - Ruger Forum
2025年3月1日 · I recently purchased a new Ruger SP101 chambered in .357 mag. To date, I have fired approximately 200 rounds through it. Ammo types were Magtech 130 gr. .38 SPL FMJ, Hornady 110 gr. .38 SPL+P Critical Defense, Hornady 90 gr. .38 Special Critical Defense Lite, and Hornady 125 gr. .357 Mag. It has fired all the .38 SPL varieties flawlessly.
357 Magnum for target practice? - Ruger Forum
2024年2月20日 · Target ammo refers to the fact that it is not as expensive as defensive ammo. In that sense, yes, target ammo refers to "not hollow point". Now, if you can buy hollow point for the same price as FMJ, it than becomes "target ammo". With a .357, you have an even better option, which is to practice with .38 special.
Shooting .38 special in a .357 - Ruger Forum
2021年10月18日 · About the only time I ever really shot 38 Specials in a .357 Revolver was when I was a Police Officer and shot department issued 38 WC and later 38 SWC ammo. Shot a 4" Colt Trooper model with a MetaLife finish, was Mag-Na--Ported, and action was slicked up.
What ammo do you use in your 357 Magnum? - Ruger Forum
2012年2月5日 · You need an all of the above with such a braod question. I own 2 357s. In my LCR, I shoot 38SP+P in practice and Hornady CD 357 in CCW. My wife carries Hornady CD 38SP +P in CCW. In my 686, I will shoot 38SP +P in practice. I carry either the Hornady CD 357 or Golden Sabres. I also have some Remington fullo bore 357 for my SHTF plan.
Prvi Partizan 357 - Ruger Forum
2015年1月31日 · I just bought a 1973 Security Six 6" in good shape, and need to buy some ammo for playing around. I see Prvi Partizan 158 ammo online for a very reasonable price. Is this decent ammo? I've read mainly positive reviews. The 1600fps velocity is pretty high considering it's cheap, and 158g bullets.
357 Magnum Military Surplus - Ruger Forum
2024年5月28日 · Tu-s, I have a better solution, at least for me. There are tons of 357 Mag ammo available in many different bullet weights that have brass cases and are loaded to safe SAMMI standards. I prefer 140gr bullets in brass cases so that's exactly what I use in my 357 Mag firearms. I'll leave the steel case ammo to those who don't care about their ...