361st Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Group
The 361st ISRG provides direct threat warning and enhanced situational awareness to AFSOC aircrews. The 361st ISRG was established in 2008 to bring all AF ISR Agency units supporting SOF under the umbrella of one group in order to better present ISR capabilities to the SOF community and streamline command and control.
361st Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group
The United States Air Force 's 361st Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group is an intelligence unit located at Hurlburt Field, Florida. It provides intelligence support to Air Force Special Operations Command.
361 ISRG holds change of command > Sixteenth Air Force (Air …
2022年6月29日 · The 361 ISRG located at Hurlburt Field, Fla. trains, equips and deploys cryptologists, provides specialized analysis, maintenance, logistics, communications, and cryptologic expertise to execute special operations missions worldwide. The group traces its lineage back to World War II’s 11th Photographic Group, Mapping.
361st Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Group
The 361st ISRG trains and equips both Direct Support Operators and Tactical Systems Operators who are qualified to fly as aircrew members onboard AFSOC aircraft. The 361st ISRG provides direct threat warning and enhanced situational awareness to AFSOC aircrews.
361st ISR Group Change of Command > Sixteenth Air Force (Air …
2024年7月25日 · The 361st ISR Group, located at Hurlburt Field, Fla. is a tailored Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency group that directly supports Air Force Special Operations Command. The 361st ISR Group trains and equips both Direct Support Operators and Tactical Systems Operators who are qualified to fly as aircrew members ...
361st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group
The 361 ISR Group provides direct threat warning and enhanced situational awareness to Air Force Special Operations Command aircrews. The 361st brings all Air Force ISR Agency units supporting special operations forces (SOF) under the umbrella of one group to better present ISR capabilities to the SOF community and to streamline the unit's ...
361 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group is the premier provider of specialized ISR capabilities to the Air Force Special Operation Forces (SOF). The group and its two assigned
361 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group (ACC)
Lineage. Established as 11 Photographic Group, Mapping on 19 Nov 1943. Activated on 1 Dec 1943. Disbanded on 5 Oct 1944. Reestablished, and redesignated: 361 Tactical Intelligence Group on 31 Jul
361st ISRG | CurrentOps.com
361st ISRG USAF. Subordinate units. 361st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group . Hurlburt Field | Florida, United States. 19th Intelligence Squadron. Pope Army Airfield | Fort Bragg ...
Shirley takes command of 361 ISRG > Joint Base San Antonio > …
2014年4月24日 · The 361st is a selectively-manned and uniquely tasked unit, providing specialized ISR across the spectrum of operations from conflict through humanitarian relief, and is heavily tasked around the world. It's a responsibility Shirley, selected for promotion to colonel, embraced when he addressed his new command.
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