3653 BBY - Wookieepedia
The following events took place in 3653 BBY. Republic and Imperial delegates meet for an peace conference on the planet Alderaan. A Sith strike team under the command of Darth Malgus …
Supreme Chancellor election, 3653 BBY - Wookieepedia
In 3653 BBY, the Galactic Senate of the Republic convened to elect a new Supreme Chancellor to lead the democratic government. After the assassination of the previous Chancellor during an …
Treaty of Coruscant | Wookieepedia - Fandom
The Treaty of Coruscant was an armistice and subsequent peace agreement that brought an end to the Great Galactic War in 3653 BBY. The Galactic Republic was strong armed into the …
3653 BBY | Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki | Fandom
The following events took place in the year 3653 BBY. Treaty of Coruscant is signed. End of the Great Galactic War. The Cold War begins. The Jedi Temple is destroyed by the Sith. Sacking …
The Star Wars Chronology Project: 3653 BBY: The Treaty of …
2010年8月12日 · Thus, in 3653 BBY began the enormous stalemate of the Great Galactic War. The Republic confined to the core worlds nursing its wounds, the Sith, pacing like caged …
Treaty of Coruscant - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
The Treaty of Coruscant was the peace treaty that brought an end to the Great Galactic War in 3,653 BBY. The Galactic Republic was strongarmed into the treaty following a crippling …
Why did the Sith Empire propose the "Treaty of Coruscant" after ...
In 3653 BBY, while Imperial forces were engaged by the Republic's forces in the outer rim, Imperial forces attacked Coruscant and took it hostage after beating the Republic's forces. The …
Star Wars Date Converter - Crystal Odenkirk
Current Present in SWTOR: 18 ATC. Put the year in to one field, press the "convert" button next to it, and the rest of the fields will show the year in that system. Negative numbers are …
The Star Wars Chronology Project: 3650 BBY: Fatal Alliance
2010年8月19日 · 3650 BBY: Fatal Alliance When the Star Wars Chronology Project is complete, which will hopefully be in the time I’ve given myself, I’m going to turn my energies to writing a …
Date System Used Before ABY in Star Wars
2015年1月24日 · The main alternative that I'm familiar with is the date of the Treaty of Coruscant (3653 BBY), which was used for quite some time, with dates being given BTC and ATC. This …