Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
The concept languished until June 1941, when USMC recommended development of an LVT armed with a 37mm gun and three machine guns and armored against 0.50 (12.7mm) …
LVT (A)-1 坦克 - 百度百科
LVT (A)-1 是给登陆海滩的两栖突击车辆提供火力支援的。 在LVT基型车上安装一门M6的37mm炮(M44炮塔),两挺7.62mm M1919A4式重机枪。 1944年2月,LVT (A)-1 第一次使用,500 …
LVT (A)1 Amtrack - tank-afv.com
Based on the LVT-2 Water Buffalo, this fire support version had extra armor and was fitted with a turret nearly identical to that of the Light Tank M3 (modified M5A1 turret), with a standard 37 …
Landing Vehicle Tracked | World War II Database - WW2DB
Combat experience soon revealed that the 37mm gun provided too light a punch and by mid 1944 the Amphibious Tractor Battalions commence reequipping with the better 75mm gun armed …
LVT-1 - mdc.idv.tw
最早的車體是以可承載18名士兵的登陸用灘岸突擊艇模式 LVT1 ,後來則生產了裝備和M3輕戰車相同搭載一門37mm戰車砲的砲塔 LVT(A)型 ,乘員六名。 和日軍的兩棲戰車不同,本車在水 …
LVT (A)-1 / LVT (A)-4 AmTank - Rubicon Models
In June 1941, USMC recommended development of an LVT armed with a 37mm gun and three 0.50 cal machine guns. Development was slow and ultimately involved a complete redesign of …
LVT (A)1 -- Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) (Mark I) ("Water …
The armored amphibian LVT (A)1 boasted a 37mm gun and five .30 caliber machine guns. One machine gun was located atop the turret, one was mounted coaxially with the cannon, a third …
LVT (A)-1 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The LVT (A)-1 (Landing Vehicle Tracked (Armored)) is an American tracked landing craft. It is an armoured version of the LVT-1 that also features a turret from the M3A1 Stuart armed with a …
LVT (A) Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) - GlobalSecurity.org
LVT (A)1 - LVT (A)1 used the LVT (A)2's chassis, but with an armored superstructure over the cargo compartment. A turret with a 37mm gun and a coaxial .30cal MG was mounted on the...
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia: LVT Class, Allied Landing Craft
However, the concept languished until June 1941, when the Commandant of the Corps recommended development of an LVT armed with a 37mm gun and three machine guns and …