38 days in, no period, negative tests... - What to Expect
2017年1月23日 · It's tough to tell -- I came off of birth control 2 months ago, and my cycles have been long. Like, averaging between 30 and 33 days long. I'm using the Ovia app to track and calculate things, and it's working well. It's 38 days today since my …
38 weeks 5 days no contractions - What to Expect
2017年1月21日 · Also, you are only 38+5, not even full term (39 weeks is considered full term, 37-38+6 is considered early term). I've never had contractions before the real contractions started, my sons were born 39+6 and 40+1, my daughter 38+4.
Very swollen hands and feet - 38 weeks - What to Expect General ...
2024年10月16日 · I’m 38 weeks/4 days and I didn’t sleep tonight at all. I’ve had an elevated heart rate and my body feels ‘tingly’. My hands are swollen as well as my feet (however my feet have been swollen for some time). I’m so hot as well. Baby is very active....
38 weeks and 5 days - March 2025 Babies - What to Expect
2025年3月3日 · Hi!My due date is tomorrow. Second baby. My first my water broke spontaneously at 38+6, but contractions didn’t follow “quickly enough” per hospital policy which resulted in induction with pitocin 12 hours later and a very miserable experience...
Bloody show for 5 days - January 2025 Babies - What to Expect
2025年1月15日 · 38 & 3 daysYesterday after my regular OB appointment, I was sent to l&d because baby’s heart rate was really fast. I spent hours there and first they wanted to induce me because of her fast heart rate even though it had went back down and was...
Membrane Sweep at 39 weeks - January 2025 Babies - What to …
2025年1月6日 · I had my membrane sweep today. I am 38 weeks and 6 days today. I was 1 cm dilated 50 effaced last week. But my cervix was really far back. This week it was closer and was not as painful to be checked. Following to see how it worked for you. I’ll update mine too! Hope you have a smooth delivery! Also FTM here so I’m not sure if it will work
38 days - July 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
2024年6月1日 · I have 38 days left considering she makes her entrance on her due date and I'm still not set on a name🤣🤣 low key stressing
Cycle Day 38 - No Period / Negative Test
2025年1月21日 · I tested Days 33-36 and they were all negative but I’ve never been this late on my cycles. I am 8 months PP snd since then my cycles have been between 30-37 days. I was cramping last week and a little the week before as if my cycle was going to start but nothing yet
How soon after losing your mucus plug did you go into labor (38 …
2025年1月28日 · I just lost my mucus plug. I’ve been having really heavy cramps. I’m just curious how long after lost it you went into labor? Or did your water break after losing it?
Terconazole Cream at 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant?
Terconazole Cream at 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant? G. GodsWarrior89. Hello! ... Pregnancy Week 38 ...