loads for Win 1892 in .38 wcf - Cast Boolits
2012年2月19日 · My brother just bought a nice Winchester model 1892 chambered in .38 WCF (.38-40). For its age the bore is in decent condition and the action is smooth as silk. My question is can smokeless powder be used in loads for this rifle or is it Holy Black only? As best we can find by serial number searches is this rifle was manufactured in 1895.
What does 38 WCF mean? - Cast Boolits
2013年3月3日 · The .38-40 Winchester (.38 WCF) By Chuck Hawks This old timer dates back to 1874, when Winchester introduced it for their Model 1873 rifle. Winchester also chambered their later Model 92 lever action and Marlin offered their short action Model 1894 lever action in .38-40. The .38-40 was also known as, and head stamped, .38 WCF (Winchester ...
Marlin 1889 Rifle in .38 WCF - Cast Boolits
2021年1月14日 · I recently sold off some safe queens which resulted in me having a pile of fun money to spend. I used some of it to buy a Marlin 1889 rifle chambered in .38 WCF (AKA .38-40). 272285 The 1889 was the first side-ejecting Marlin lever action. Following Marlin designs are basically refinements of the 1889.
New to Me Winchester 38-56 - Cast Boolits
38-56 wcf This cartridge can be readily made by reforming and necking down the 45-70. It is not much of an improvement over the 38-55 but can be pushed somewhat harder due to increased case capacity and the fact that the 1886 action is pretty stout if the rifle is in decent shape.
Need some 38/40 reloading advice please... - Cast Boolits
2012年9月4日 · I have reloaded for two different original Winchester Model 1873's that I have had in 38 WCF (38-40) caliber. The bullet I have used is from the RCBS 40-180-CM mould. It is a plain base bullet and, in the two '73's I have used it in, I was able to crimp the bullet in its crimping groove and have no feeding problems.
38-70 wcf - Cast Boolits
2012年2月7日 · 38-70 wcf Turnbull has my rifle. I calculated the barrel profile starting with the known diameter at the breech which was a 100% fit of the .33 WCF barrel to the original forend inlet (no further inletting done on the wood) and then measuring the I.D. of the forend cap 11.0" from the breech.
.38-56 WCF 1886 Discussion - Cast Boolits
2014年3月29日 · I realize that it's not quite ".38" caliber, but have you thought about finding a 1895 in .35 WCF? Rifles chambered for this cartridge are not nearly so popular as the legendary .405 WCF...but the .35 WCF is a powerful...and more useful cartridge for most shooting and hunting situations - much friendlier to shoot, too. Buffalo Arms has brass ...
38-40 / 38 WCF favorite loads - Cast Boolits
2016年11月7日 · Thread: 38-40 / 38 WCF favorite loads. Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; 11-05-2016, 05:47 AM #1. BruMatt.
Winchester 1892 .38WCF (.38-40) hunting booliit - Cast Boolits
2019年6月13日 · Nothing wrong with hunting with a 38-40. It's a nice round for sub 100 yard hunting. I use my 1892 38-40 for hunting. My Grandfather used to hunt deer and bear with his 38-40. It is a 40 caliber bullet traveling north of 1,000 fps. I have no idea why people think it would bounce off or whatever it is that they think. Now I won't load mine to ...
38 wcf - Cast Boolits
2011年7月9日 · The 38 WCF cartridge is 135 years old. Lots of things happened in that time and there was no industry wide standard for the cartridge. It worked in Colt's and it worked in Winchesters. That's all it needed to do. The case gauge you need to pay attention to is the chamber of your rifle.