Need some 38/40 reloading advice please... - Cast Boolits
2012年9月4日 · I have reloaded for two different original Winchester Model 1873's that I have had in 38 WCF (38-40) caliber. The bullet I have used is from the RCBS 40-180-CM mould. It is a plain base bullet and, in the two '73's I have used it in, I was able to crimp the bullet in its crimping groove and have no feeding problems.
.38-40 Load Advice - Cast Boolits
2016年5月8日 · 38 and 44 - 40 is in question here. I have both j-words and boolits, 180 and 200gr respectively. Have old unique, old 2400 (20 years old), IMR 4227, and looking to try some of the RL 7. The 38 is a 1873 Winchester, the 44's are one Win 92 and a Remington 14 1/12.
Winchester 1892 .38WCF (.38-40) hunting booliit - Cast Boolits
2019年5月29日 · I so envy you/your '92 in .38WCF!!! Must be a gorgeous firearm! I have been a long-time fan of the .38-40, having owned two of these -- newbees, compared with yours. One was a 1914 manufacture .38 WCF Saddle (757,8xx s/n), and the second was (s/n 966,0xx) which was manufactured in 1926.
38-40 / 38 WCF favorite loads - Cast Boolits
2016年11月5日 · Thread: 38-40 / 38 WCF favorite loads. Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; 11-05-2016, 05:47 AM #1. BruMatt.
loads for Win 1892 in .38 wcf - Cast Boolits
2012年2月19日 · My brother just bought a nice Winchester model 1892 chambered in .38 WCF (.38-40). For its age the bore is in decent condition and the action is smooth as silk. My question is can smokeless powder be used in loads for this rifle or is it Holy Black only? As best we can find by serial number searches is this rifle was manufactured in 1895.
What does 38 WCF mean? - Cast Boolits
2013年3月3日 · The .38-40 Winchester (.38 WCF) By Chuck Hawks This old timer dates back to 1874, when Winchester introduced it for their Model 1873 rifle. Winchester also chambered their later Model 92 lever action and Marlin offered their short action Model 1894 lever action in .38-40. The .38-40 was also known as, and head stamped, .38 WCF (Winchester ...
.38-40 Load Advice - Page 2 - Cast Boolits
2018年7月13日 · One is an 1873 in 38-40 and the other two a '92s in 44-40 and 25-20. All were manufactured c.1890's. Bore rifling is decent on all three and they seem to be mechanically sound. I embarked upon a hand loading project with these rifles and decided I'd tackle the '73 first. So, I ordered the RCBS Cowboy die set and the 40-180 mould.
38 WCF / 38-40 affair - Cast Boolits
2020年8月23日 · Tom at Accurate Molds produced a mold that casts a .403 bullet for the 1892, A close friend recently acquired a very clean 1873 in 38 WCF. Really looking forward to shooting that one when the Shooting Range restrictions are lifted here. 38 WCF is a fine cartridge Aesthetically, I have to agree with Indian Joe, the 38 WCF followed by the 45-75 WCF.
38-40 ammo - Cast Boolits
2023年1月4日 · Thus Marlin started using the 38-40/44-40 rather than using the "WCF" designation. Not necessarily the case for other dash cartridges. 38 WCF = Winchester Repeating Arms Company (Winchester Ammunition) 38-40 = Union Metallic Cartridge Company, for Marlin 45-70 = 70gr black powder 30-30 = 30gr smokeless powder 30-40 Krag= 40gr smokeless powder
38-40 wcf Contender - Cast Boolits
2016年11月13日 · I was out with the Contender chambered in 38-40 WCF and shot nice group. It has a 1.5-5 power scope and a MGM barrel. My load was 24.3 grains of Reloader #7 and a cartridge OAL 1.580" which is about .040'' off the lands. The load had a pretty bad extreme spread of 275 FPS and SD of 78.6, Low vel - 1263; Hi vel - 1537; and a average of 1409 FPS.