Can I make 38-55 brass form some other brass? - Cast Boolits
2010年3月12日 · That's basically what the 38-55 is: un-necked 30-30. If you take it slow and anneal, you should able to get back to straight-wall in only two or three steps. I make 375 Win …
38-55 to 375 Winchester? - Cast Boolits
2011年6月3日 · A 375 Winchester will drop right in a 38-55 chamber. Problem is the 375 is loaded to 52,000 PSI and the 38-55 is at 30,000 PSI. Make sure the rifle you fire it in will be safe at …
38-55 brass - Cast Boolits
2017年8月17日 · My 38-55 C Sharps high wall is also chambered for the short brass. If the manual or manufacturer cant tell you then a chamber cast will. or one of the long cases to test …
38-55 brass to 375 win - Cast Boolits
2017年5月20日 · The brass will shrink in length on the first firing. We have been using the long brass, trim to 2.092", fire once and it shrinks to about 2.085". We have been shooting either …
Fire-forming 38-55 brass from 30:30 or 32 spcl - Cast Boolits
2013年6月13日 · I had some range pick up brass in 30:30 and 32 spcl I thought I'd try to fire form into 38-55. It worked well, but the OAL of the brass ended up being 2.000 long. The trim to L …
30-30 Brass necked up to 38-55 - Cast Boolits
2013年8月25日 · 38-55 brass is hard to come by so I have been trying to neck up some 30-30 brass. The brass starts out 2.03-2.04, which is already short. By the time I neck it up and FL …
38-55 Brass - a Case Study ;^) - Cast Boolits
2010年10月4日 · The Winchester brass loaded with an as cast Lee Bullet. This round will cycle easily through my CB but NOT my friend's CB. The OAL for the Lee bullet in the Starline 38-55 …
Fire forming 30-30 to 38-55 - Cast Boolits
2011年1月9日 · I wanted to be able to stretch exiting (30-30, .375 and new 38-55) brass into useable 38-55 cases having the correct case length of 2.130". The amount of stretch required …
32-40 from Starline 38-55 - Cast Boolits
2016年2月22日 · This question is for anyone who has made 32-40 brass from Starline 38-55 brass. They make 2 lengths, 2.080 and 2.125. What length do you end up with when re …
38-55 Long vs Short Brass - Cast Boolits
2021年3月18日 · My .38-55 is a Marlin 336CB that I was going to use short Winchester brass in. Due to an unfortunate rodent problem, I had to buy new brass and the only thing Starline had …