.38-55 as a hunting round - Ruger Forum
2013年11月5日 · A 38-55 255 grain Barnes JSPFP bullet has higher sectional density. In my 28 inch Winchester 94 it gives 1871 fps with 35 grains of IMR-3031 and CCI 200 primers.
38-55 Winchester ... - Ruger Forum
2023年3月18日 · Winchester discontinued .38-55 rifle and carbine production in 1940 and by the time I was a sprout interested in guns in the early- mid 1970s it was a dead caliber for all but …
.38-55 in a Win. 375 Model 94? - Ruger Forum
2018年7月10日 · As I understand it, Marlin (which made their rifle in .375 Win after Winchester did, of course) took into account that people might want to shoot 38-55 WCF in their rifle with …
#1 38-55 - Ruger Forum
2014年8月19日 · Jody, I have a 1897 Winchester Model 1894 in .38-55 and I am having a hard time locating loaded ammunition for it. Could you help? About the #1 .38-55, that is a prize.
Winchester Model 94 Carbine in 38-55 - Ruger Forum
2024年4月9日 · I love the 38-55. I have a couple Winchester carbine and rifles. A marlin 1893 rifle, a Ted Williams model 94 that was rebored to 38-55 from 30-30 AND just had to barrel …
RUGER No. 3 in .38-55 - Ruger Forum
2017年12月3日 · Factory ammo is a bit over priced, but it's one of those calibers that really rewards the hand loader. You can get decent hard cast .38-55 bullets in .377 to .380 …
360 Buckhammer, 350 Legend, and 400 Legend | Ruger Forum
2024年7月29日 · The buckhammer. Being a derivative of the 38-55 reminded me of the 375 win which is an updated take on the 38-55.
Any H&R/NEF Handi Rifle love - Ruger Forum
2023年2月11日 · My only NEF rifle is a Sportster chambered for the .17HMR cartridge. It is a tiny little laser. My friend got his daughter started hunting with an H&R .243 Winchester. She killed …
Henry Side Gate ...Yea or Nay - Ruger Forum
2019年5月24日 · I have always been a side gate guy but have always been intrigued by the Henry's. So, with this model, I am looking long and hard at a .38-55, but the brass is a bit shiny …
Cleaning out agun room | Page 2 | Ruger Forum
2013年1月31日 · Henry rifle in 38/55 that was made in 1880????? The Henry was made prior to the Model 66 Winchester. The 38-55 cartridge came out in 1894 with the new 1894 …