Timeline of prehistory - Wikipedia
This timeline of prehistory covers the time from the appearance of Homo sapiens approximately 315,000 years ago in Africa to the invention of writing, over 5,000 years ago, with the earliest …
38th century BC - Wikipedia
Ubaid period came to an abrupt end in eastern Arabia and the Oman peninsula at 3800 BC. In Syria, mass graves at Tell Brak, dating from c. 3800 to 3600 BC, have been unearthed, …
Lion Man of Hohlenstein Stadel (38,000 BCE)
It was discovered in a cave in Hohlenstein Mountain, located in the Swabian Jura of southwest Germany. Following carbon dating tests on earth in which this item of prehistoric sculpture was …
Venus of Hohle Fels (38,000 - 33,000 BCE) - visual-arts-cork.com
It is dated to the period 38,000-33,000 BCE, which makes it the oldest of all the Venus figurines and the earliest undisputed example of figurative art known to archeology. This tiny work of …
Top 10 Oldest Pieces of Art Ever Discovered - Ancient History Lists
2024年3月14日 · The 38,000 BC sculpture is the earliest discovered artwork in Europe to depict a male figure. The Hohlenstein Stadel is one of three caves to produce important paleontological …
The History of the Handbag – Women’s Museum of California
2017年5月31日 · As early as 38,000 BCE, hunter-gatherer, humans were using bundles and pouches made from fibers to store and transport food and tools. The drawstring purse was …
Pre – Industrial Age (before 1700’s) – Rohart's Life
2017年7月20日 · Cave paintings (also known as “parietal art”) are painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, mainly of prehistoric origin, dated to some 40,000 years ago (around 38,000 BCE) …
Niah Cave | Discovery, Archaeology, & Facts | Britannica
The most important discovery at Niah Cave was a skeleton dating to about 38,000 bce, the earliest Homo sapiens remains found in Southeast Asia to that time. The skeleton was initially …
Cave Paintings (dec 28, 3500 BC – oct 15, 1862 BC)
2017年8月2日 · Cave paintings (also known as "parietal art") are painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, mainly of prehistoric origin, dated to some 40,000 years ago (around 38,000 BCE) …
Pre Industrial Age ( before 1700s ) - Studocu
origin, dated to some 40,000 years ago (around 38,000 BCE) in Eurasia. Clay Tablets in Mesopotamia ( 2400 BC ) In the Ancient Near East, clay tablets (Akkadian t (uppu) were used …