Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Base : Part 3937 | BrickLink
ItemName: LEGO Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Base, ItemType: Part, ItemNo: 3937, Buy and sell LEGO parts, Minifigures and sets, both new or used from the world's largest online LEGO marketplace.
LEGO Black Hinge 1 x 2 Base (3937) - Brick Owl
LEGO Black Hinge 1 x 2 Base has been used in at least 553 LEGO sets over the past 45 years, since it was first used in 1980. You can also find this part in at least 47 other colors. It has a design ID of 3937 which can usually be found molded into the bottom of the part.
LEGO PART 3937 Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Base - Rebrickable
Part: 3937, Category: Hinges, Arms and Turntables, Years: 1979 to 2025, Sets: 1896
LEGO Hinge 1 x 2 Base (3937) | Brick Owl - LEGO Marketplace
No minimum buy! (62) HAS SOME DENTS ON IT. NO REFUND. LEGO Hinge 1 x 2 Base (3937) has been used in at least 2220 LEGO sets over the past 47 years, since it was first used in 1978.
Hinge Brick 1 x 2 with (Same Color) Top Plate (3937 / 3938)
ItemName: LEGO Hinge Brick 1 x 2 with (Same Color) Top Plate (3937 / 3938), ItemType: Part, ItemNo: 3937c01, Buy and sell LEGO parts, Minifigures and sets, both new or used from the world's largest online LEGO marketplace.
开瑞坦 (原名:克敏能) Clarityne|美迪医疗网
药理作用 本药为长效三环抗组胺药,具有选择性对抗外周H1-受体的作用。 对酒精无强化作用。 作用迅速,服药后30分钟内开始起效,不会通过血脑屏障。 人口服本品后迅速自胃肠道吸收,1小时后血药浓度达峰值。 本品在体内广泛代谢。 其主要代谢产物去羟乙氧氯雷他定具有很强的抗H1受体作用。 本品和去羟乙氧氯雷他定的半衰期分别为12和18小时。 本品与血浆蛋白的结合率为98%左右,去羟乙氧氯雷他定的结合率较低。 本品及其代谢产物可在乳汁中检出,但通过血 …
HGT 3937-2021_工业用1,6-己二胺 - 道客巴巴
2021年12月29日 · ICS 71. 080. 30 G 17 HG 中华人民共和国化工行业标准工业用 1,6-2 二肢1 , 6-Hexanediamine for indust rial use 2021-03-05 发布HG/T 3937-2021 代替 HG / T 3937 - 2007 2021-07-01 实施中华人民共和国 工 业和信息化部发布
Fully Powered Stacker - 125" Lift H-3937 - Uline
Compact 54" turning radius. 700-watt drive motor, 2,000-watt lift motor. 24" load center accommodates pallets up to 48". Legs adjust from 38" to 52" to fit most pallets. 4 hours service per charge: two 12-volt, 75 Ah rechargeable batteries with built-in charger. Smooth rolling polyurethane wheels. 180° steering arc.
HGT 3937-2007 工业用1,6己二胺 标准 - 道客巴巴
2016年5月31日 · HG/T 3937--2007工业用1,6一己二胺1,6-Hexanedi ami nefor i ndustri al use2007—1 0—01实施中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会发布
3937 Bulb LED 360 deg 10-30V High Power H1 P14 5 Fpack - Gwaza
Bulb LED 360 deg 10-30V High Power H1 P14 5 Fpack. H1 P14, 5 Socket. 210 lumens. Bulb equivalent: 3904. LED specification: 10 SMD 2835. 6000K colour temperature.