Pros/Cons S&W 3953? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2016年6月10日 · Carry a 3953 and you have nothing to learn or remember except for one smooth, reliable, predictable trigger. Don't need to 'remember' a safety,.....ON or OFF. Don't …
S&W 3953, New to Me - smith-wessonforum.com
2023年3月4日 · Picked up a new-to-me S&W 3953 on Friday from forum member robrossk. This unit was a special order. It lacks the magazine disconnect safety.
3rd Gen Journey: 5906->3913->3953 - Smith & Wesson Forum
2014年6月7日 · My Kahr K9 is my primary CCW pistol but the 3953 might edge it out; it has a great trigger. We'll see how I shoot it. It's really a shame that S&W stopped making the 39XX …
3913 and 3953, difference? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2024年6月18日 · Mechanical difference between plain jane 3953 & 3953 TSW? petemacmahon: Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols: 7: 02-13-2022 05:57 PM: Can you put 3953 DAO internals …
3913 vs. 3953 - smith-wessonforum.com
2016年8月20日 · This particular 3953 is an earlier one as evidenced by its hard chromed trigger and hammer. The later DAO guns had blued triggers and hammers. My 1086 was a later …
Why no 3953 Love? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2018年4月21日 · The next day I received a FedEx package from L.A. with my unissued 3953. I immediately took it to the range, and ran about 500 rounds of duty JHP ammo through it. Zero …
Fraternal twins: 3953
2024年11月19日 · Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols Other Smith & Wesson Semi-Automatic Pistols from the 1950's to Present
3953 price check. - Smith & Wesson Forum
2016年8月16日 · Sounds a bit high, as the market is absolutely flooded with LEO trade-in 3953's at the moment. I believe they are selling on GB for around $100-$150 less (though I haven't …
Got a letter for the "N.P.D." 3953 pistol - not what I expected.
2017年4月5日 · As posted earlier, a call to the PAO for the Newark Police Division, and his conversation with the armorer, indicated they did have 3953's and they did mark them with …
**SOLD** FS 3913/3953 Factory Magazines - smith …
2025年2月3日 · For sale, three stainless factory 8-round magazines for the 3913 / 3953 / 3914 / 3954 9mm handguns. These are getting hard to find and are priced accordingly. They are still …