39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 - SteelNumber - Chemical composition, …
Chemical composition of steel 39NiCrMo3 (1.6510), Standards of steel 39NiCrMo3 (1.6510) Mechanical Properties of steel 39NiCrMo3 (1.6510) Equivalent grades of steel 39NiCrMo3 (1.6510)
39NiCrMo3 1.6510 EN 10277-5: 2008 Lucefin Group Cold-drawn + quenched and tempered +C +QT Hot-rolled annealed + peeled-reeled +A +SH size Testing at room temperature (longitudinal) e) mm AR Rp 0.2 % HB R Rp 0.2 A% HB from to N/mm 2 N/mm min min for inform. N/mm N/mm 2 min min max 5 b) 10 10 16 16 40 930-1130 735 11 278-339 240
39NiCrMo3 | DIN 1.6510 Alloy Steel - Fuhong Steel
39NiCrMo3 steel is generally used in the quenched and tempered state to make important parts with high strength and good plasticity, such as shafts, gears, fasteners, engine casings, bearings, dies, spacers, etc.
39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 Steel - EN 10083 - Waldun Steel
39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 Steel Application This alloy is suitable for production of highly stressed components of large cross section for aircraft, automotive and general engineering applications, such as forged propeller shafts, connecting rods, gear …
Steel 39NiCrMo3 36C rNi Mo4 / 1.6511 / AI SI 9840 / BS 817M37 / AFNOR 40NC D3 / UNE F1 282 The 39Ni C rMo3 al l oy i s a hi gh- pe r for mance mat e ri al offe ri ng e xce pt i on al st re ngt h, tou ghn e ss, and we ar re si st ance . I de al for cha l l e ngi ng appl i ca t i on s. Material p rop er ties Density 7,85 g/cm³
39NiCrMo3, 1.6510, 38NiCrMo4, 38NCD4 steel - Virgamet
Structural alloy steel 39NiCrMo3, 1.6510, 38NiCrMo4, 38NCD4 for heat treatment for heavy-duty parts of machines, engines and aircrafts according to EN 10083-1.
39nicrmo3 - nr 1.6510 quenching and tempering uenchin and tempein alloyed b2 - b2pb standard reference: en 10083-3: 2006 (hot-rolled products) | en 10277-5: 2008 (bright products) rodacciai references and comparable standards chemical composition (cast analysis) (%) mechanical properties - as rolled condition europe c si mn p / max s cr mo ni ...
39NiCrMo3 (UNI ) - Worldwide equivalent grades - Steel Number
Chemical composition and properties of european equivalents (EN) for 39NiCrMo3 (Italy, UNI ): 39NiCrMo3 (1.6510) , 39NiCrMo3 (Italy, UNI ) - European (EU, EN) and wordwide Steel equivalent grades
39NiCrMo3 (EN 10083-3) - M.T. Acciai s.r.l.
39nicrmo3: 1,6510: 785: 980 to 1180: 11: 40-735: 930 to 1130: 11: 40: 35: 685: 880 to 1080: 12: 45: 40: 635: 830 to 980: 12: 50: 40: 540: 740 to 880: 13: 50: 40 . temprabilitÀ jominy (en 10083-3) designazione acciaio symbol limiti della gamma durezza hrc ad una distanza dall'estremitÀ temprata della provetta pari ai seguenti valori (mm)
39NiCrMo3 Steel - Steel Data
UNI designation: 39NiCrMo3 AFNOR designation: 40NCD3 GOST designation: 39HNM Chemical composition in weight %: 0.35-0.43% C, max. 0.40% Si, 0.50-0.80% Mn, max. 0.025% P, max. 0.035% S, 0.60-1.00% Cr, 0.15-0.25% Mo, 0.70-1.00% Ni …
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