My Brother at 3 A.M. | The Poetry Foundation
at 3 a.m., she was in her nightgown, Dad was asleep. looking over his shoulder. What's going on? she asked. Who wants to kill you? He looked over his shoulder. The devil does. Look at him, …
My Brother at 3 A.M. by Natalie Diaz - Poem Analysis
‘My Brother at 3 A.M.’ reflects many of Natalie Diaz’s strengths, such as portraying intimate family moments with emotional depth and a surreal, spiritual edge. The poem explores fear, mental …
My Brother At 3 AM - Poems | Academy of American Poets
at 3 a.m., she was in her nightgown, Dad was asleep. He wants to kill me, he told her, looking over his shoulder. What's going on? she asked, Who wants to kill you? He looked over his …
Poetry Analysis | Alans Blog - Riverside Secondary School
2019年6月3日 · Title of Poem: My Brother at 3 AM. Type of Poem: Narrative. Author: Natalie Diaz. Literal meaning: The brother of the narrator is hallucinating on drugs on the porch of his home …
My Brother at 3 A.M. - Poetry In Voice
at 3 a.m., she was in her nightgown, Dad was asleep. He wants to kill me, he told her, looking over his shoulder. 3 a.m. and in her nightgown, Dad asleep, What’s going on? she asked. Who …
NPM Curated Poem 4: Natalie Diaz’s “My Brother at 3am”
2016年4月7日 · Today’s poem is a pantoum by Natalie Diaz, who was once a professional basketball player in Europe and a successful NCAA basketball player in her college days. …
'3am' poems - Hello Poetry
The sheets on her bed at 3am, where she whispers "I love you" and you've never been so sure of anything. The breath you exhale after you kiss her; it's the color of the blood pumping through …
3 am - Power Poetry
I felt free. i felt like everything and anything that I was worrying about dissappeared. I was breaking boundaries that I used to be afraid to even touch Ive experienced 1am but 3 am is so …
The Void - a poem by kevin - All Poetry
There is poetry all around us and we are narrators, story-tellers, explorers of the human condition. It begins before we know it and the power of words can change the world. Emotions are …
3 A.M. poem - Joy Harjo - Best Poems
2022年12月5日 · in the Albuquerque airport trying to find a flight to Old Oraibi, Third Mesa TWA is the only desk open bright lights outline New York Chicago and the attendant doesn’t know that …