125 mm smoothbore ammunition - Wikipedia
Currently in Experimental Phase, most famously seen at the Expo 2019 alongside 3BM-42 and 3BM-60. Uses the initial jacketed 3BM-42M penetrator but the cartridge is shorter over the Lekalo, designed to fit in the standard autoloader and is most likely to replace the standard 3BM-42 as main service round soon. Projectile weight (including sabot): ?
T-80BVM - 战争雷霆中文Wiki
3bk18m:尾翼稳定破甲弹(heat-fs)3bk18m是t-80bvm的默认弹药之一。由于同级敌方单位大多安装了复合装甲,因此表现平平,只适用于中近距离战斗。 由于同级敌方单位大多安装了复合装甲,因此表现平平,只适用于中近距离战斗。
125 mm smoothbore ammunition | Military Wiki | Fandom
3BK18M [] Improved warhead. Entered service estimated 1978. Introduces wave shaping booster. Country of origin: Soviet Union; Projectile weight: 19.02 kg; Muzzle velocity: 905 m/s; Penetration: 550 mm RHA at 0 degrees. 3VBK17/3BK21 [] Entered service estimated 1980. Enhancements to improve reliability of the copper jet formation. Country of ...
苏维埃の热光线——冷战苏联125mm坦克炮弹药简介 (1) 尾翼稳定 …
苏联的尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹有几个比较明显的特点,而这些特点基本贯穿大半个 冷战期间苏联穿甲弹发展历程。 特点一,采用三片式花瓣形弹托;特点二,采用全口径尾翼;特点三,普遍采用钢套结构;特点四,采用辅助发射药。 三片式 (或者叫三瓣式) 弹托的优点很明显——结构简单、生产性好、质量轻、容易脱壳。 不过缺点也很明显,那就是使得弹头在膛内只有一个支撑点,出膛瞬间震颤大,影响精度。 为此,苏联采用了全尺寸尾翼充当尾部支撑点来解决这个问题,不过这 …
俄罗斯装备志——T80UM2型主战坦克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
主要武器为一门 2A46-M1型125mm滑膛炮,配备了液压自动装弹机,最大射速约为8发/分,火炮弹药基数40发,可以发射 3BM42M尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹, 3BM46尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹,3VBK16破甲弹,3OF26人员杀伤榴弹, 9M119型炮射导弹,1挺7.62毫米PKT机枪(1500发) ;1挺12.7NSVT毫米机枪(500发)。 3BM42M尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹,为俄罗斯现役的主力弹种,能够在2000米的距离上击穿570~630mm的钢装甲,而更先进的 3BM46型钨芯尾翼稳定脱 …
T-90主战坦克 - 百度百科
所有生产的制式空心装药破甲弹为装有3bk18m弹头的3vbk16弹,该弹采用常规的铜制药型罩,其破甲深度为650毫米。 另一种是有 三重装药 的3BK29M破甲弹,该弹头采用少量首层装药,用以击破反应装甲。
125 mm smoothbore ammunition - Alchetron, the free social …
2024年10月9日 · The following is a list of ammunition fired by the 125 mm smoothbore gun series used in the T-64, T-72, T-80, M-84, T-90, PT-91, T-14 Armata, and other tanks derived from those designs, as well as the 2A45 Sprut Anti-Tank gun. Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot tracer or APFSDS-T rounds. Typically used against other modern tanks.
Munition, projectile, 125 mm HEAT-FS 3BK18M - Fenix Insight
The '125 mm HEAT-FS 3BK18M' is a copy of the Soviet-era-developed, Russian Federation, 3VBK16 (ЗВБК16) 125 mm high explosive, anti-tank fin-stabilised tracer (HEAT-FS-T) round. As per the Soviet/Russian 3VBK16, the '125 mm HEAT-FS 3BK18M' round is made up of 125 mm HEAT-FS-T projectile and its fuze, along with a rear stub-cased propelling ...
125MM HEAT-FS ROUNDS - ciar.org
3BK-31? is designed to defeat vehicles with external ERA, integral ERA and/or composite armor main structure; the precursor charge trips ERA, the first main charge conditions advanced armor array and initiates penetration, and the last achieves destructive penetration. The sequence of charges detonation is precursor -> rear charge -> middle charge.
Munition, projectile, 3BK18M | Fenix Insight
The 3BK18M (3БК18М) is an uncommon, Soviet-era-developed, Russian Federation, 125 mm high explosive, anti-tank, fin-stabilised tracer (HEAT-FS-T) projectile.