滑膛时代的开创者——苏联115毫米2A20型坦克炮的前世今生 - 哔 …
于是战后各国都没有发展了,转而去发展性能更强大的次口径弹药——APDS. D-10T2S火炮使用的3BM8脱壳穿甲弹. 但在使用过程中,几乎所有国家都明白了一个道理——APDS的穿深受弹杆材料密度,长度,重量的影响,为了提高APDS的穿深,材料方面已经走不通,因为钨芯已经是作为穿甲体最理想的材料了,贫铀弹芯虽然能给炮弹带来更高的穿深,但贫铀弹芯有保质期,过期的话穿甲能力会直线下降,但是隔壁英国人就是不信邪,硬是弄出了一款贫铀APDS,被称作L-20. L …
3BM25的数据不如3BM8?评论区分享使用体验 - 百度贴吧
Munition, projectile, 3BM8 | Fenix Insight
The 3BM8 (3БМ8) is a Soviet-era-developed, Russian Federation, 100 mm armour-piercing discarding sabot tracer (APDS-T) projectile assembly. The 3BM8 projectile assembly is comprised of an ≈55 mm (maximum body) diameter tracered …
115mm 2A20及125mm 2A26/46滑膛炮早期APFSDS介绍:从3BM3 …
滑膛炮发射尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹所提升的初速是巨大的,其发射的3BM3 APFSDS初速高达1615m/s ,垂直和大倾角穿深也显著优于BR412系列适口径弹药,满足了当时苏军迫切的反坦克需求。 使用115mm 2A20滑膛炮的T-62. 在弹药问题上,二战中次口径 (APCR APDS)弹药带来的高穿深就已经引起了各国注意,二战后各国适口径动能弹药研发也逐渐转向次口径动能弹。
浅析早期T-72坦克防护性能:从T-72到T-72AV - 哔哩哔哩
60-70年代北约L7系列坦克炮的主力动能弹为APDS,次口径的APDS相对于适口径穿甲弹提高了弹芯相对能量(即弹的横截面单位面积能量),并且由于弹芯的密度和硬度高,故穿甲时可以将绝大多数能量用在侵彻装甲上,提高其穿深,但使用的碳化钨或高硬度钢构成的 ...
A discussion about Tungsten Cored Ammunition (APCR/HVAP, and APDS)
2023年8月14日 · So let us start with your early normal Ogival core-type APDS rounds. This would consist of rounds like 17pdr APDS Mk1, 20pdr Mk3, 76mm M331, 100mm 3BM8, 122mm 3BM7/11, 120mm L1, etc… During the mid 50’s the US started designing and testing APDS projectiles using double conical nose designs, as a means …
3BM8 APDS vs TIGER II - YouTube
2021年10月10日 · 3BM8 APDS vs Tiger 2 upper glacis (150mm @ 50 degrees inclination). Full penetration achieved. Medium spalling. Penetrator exits at around 700m/s. Spall velocity ~120m/s....more
BM-8 APDS Question - AFV Forum - tanknet.org
2010年2月21日 · What I do know for certain is that it was still being produced in 1975 as I have a BM-8 APDS round in my collection; and the lot manufacturing date is indicated as 1975.
Difference between 3BM25 and 3BM-8 : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Against very thin armor, seems to have a wider shrapnel cone than the 3BM8. But the difference is pretty small against thicker armor. 3BM-8 and APDS in general is underperforming for several patches now, the 3BM25 APFSDS is much more reliable and a go to shell for me with this tank.
03-20 〖讨论〗有人能评价一下3BM系列弹种吗? - 百度贴吧
3bm8只要不遇上m60就行,其他时候穿深都够用,后效一般,初速够用 3bm25算是3bm8的完全替代,穿深数据一样但是是钢针所以比3bm8好,初速够用,后效一坨