3C 295 - Wikipedia
3C 295 is a narrow-line radio galaxy located in the constellation of Boötes. With a redshift of 0.464, [ 1 ] it is approximately 5 billion light-years from Earth . [ 1 ] At time of the discovery of …
APOD: November 25, 1999 - 3C 295: X-rays From A Giant Galaxy
Five billion light-years away, the giant elliptical galaxy 3C295 is a prodigious source of energy at radio wavelengths. Bright knots of X-ray emission are also seen at the center of this false-color …
5 天之前 · There is a misprint leading to a 1 arcminute error in declination of [VV2010c] J141120.5+521110 of Veron-Cetty and Veron (2010A&A...518A..10V). So [VV2010c] …
3C 295: A Cluster and Its Cooling Flow at z = 0.46 - ADS - NASA/ADS
We present ROSAT HRI data of the distant and X-ray-luminous [L X (bol)=2.6 +0.4-0.2 ×10 45 ergs s-1] cluster of galaxies 3C 295. We fit both a one-dimensional and a two-dimensional …
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
2013年8月12日 · An extensive set of optical and radio observations is presented that characterize the X-ray sources detected in an extremely deep Einstein Observatory exposure of the 3C 295 …
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week - NASA
2000年1月10日 · 3C295 (Cl 1409+524) is one of the most distant galaxy clusters observed by X-ray telescopes. The cluster is filled with a vast cloud of fifty million degree gas that radiates …
Chandra Observations of the Nuclei of Radio Galaxies: 3C 295 and …
2000年1月1日 · Chandra Observations of the Nuclei of Radio Galaxies: 3C 295 and Hydra A The angular resolution available with Chandra allows us to isolate the X-ray emission from the …
Chandra X-Ray Detection of the Radio Hot Spots of 3C 295
An observation of the radio galaxy 3C 295 during the calibration phase of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory reveals X-ray emission from the core of the galaxy, from each of the two …
3C 295
3C 295 is a radio galaxy on the order of five billion light-years away. It includes hotspots detected by visible light and X-rays. It resides in a cluster of a hundred visible galaxies, which also has …
Chandra X-ray observations of the 3C 295 cluster core
Abstract: We examine the properties of the X-ray gas in the central regions of the distant (z = 0.46), X-ray luminous cluster of galaxies surrounding the powerful radio source 3C 295, using …