3C 48 - Wikipedia
3C 48 is one of four primary calibrators used by the Very Large Array (along with 3C 138 and 3C 147, and 3C 286). Visibilities of all other sources are calibrated using observed visibilities of …
3C 48 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
3C 48是劍橋大學電波星表第三版中的第一個源,它是由艾伦·桑德奇和湯瑪斯·馬修(Thomas Matthews)于1960年通過干涉儀發現的。 [3] 杰西·格林斯坦和湯瑪斯·馬修發現其紅移足足 …
3C 48_百度百科
3C 48是剑桥大学电波星表第三版中的第一个源,它是由Allan Sandage和 Thomas Matthews 于1960年通过 干涉仪 发现的。 Jesse Greenstein和Thomas Matthews发现其 红移 足足 …
3C 48 Galaxy (Quasar)Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
3C 48 is a Quasar located in the constellation of Triangulum in the northern hemisphere. 3C 48 is not a Messier Object and doesn't have a Messier Number. A Quasar is a radio active galaxy …
Quasar 3C48 - Stellar Scenes
This page shows you an optical image and a spectrogram of the Quasar 3C48 lying at about 2.5 degrees north of the M33, the Triangulum Galaxy. The 3C48 with a brightness of about 16.5th …
hst quasar images
All three quasars have luminous (~4 × L *) galaxies as hosts, which are either elliptical (B2 1425+267 and 3C 345) or interacting (3C 48), and all hosts are 0.5 - 1.0 mag bluer in (V-I) …
3C 48 | astronomy | Britannica
…but powerful radio object designated 3C 48 with a stellar optical image. When they obtained the spectrum of the optical object, they found unexpected and at first unexplainable emission lines …
3C 48 - Wikiwand
3C 48 was the first source in the Third Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources to be optically identified by Allan Sandage and Thomas Matthews in 1960 using interferometry. Jesse …
Optical Identification of 3C 48, 3C 196, and 3C 286 with Stellar ...
Optical spectra for 3C 48 show several very broad emission features, the most intense at X 3832 being unidentified. Spectra by Schmidt of 3C 196 and 3C 286 show other unusual features. …
2014年9月30日 · We investigate the properties of the high-velocity outflow driven by the young radio jet of 3C 48, a compact-steep-spectrum source. We use the Space Telescope Imaging …
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