SvetlanaTM 3CPX800A7 is a high performance ceramic/metal high-mu power triode designed for use in communications and industrial service. The principal use is for pulsed RF amplifier, pulse modulator, or regulator service. When operated as a pulse modulator, the Svetlana 3CPX800A7 will hold off a maximum plate voltage of 4500 volts.
3CPX800 Amp Specs - WV7U.com
Frequency coverage. All bands from 1.8MHz to 30MHz. Mode. Linear class AB 2, cathode driven. Output power SSB. 2kW PEP typical, ~3kW max. Output power CW. 2kW typical, ~3kW max
EIMAC 3CPX800A7 – 305broadcast
The 3CPX800A7 is a compact high-mu power triode intended for use in zero bias Class B amplifiers in pulsed radio frequency applications. It may also be used as a pulse modulator or regulator. A single 3CPX800A7 will deliver 6 kW peak output in drive-pulsed RF service.
Eimac 3CX800A7 Power Triode for sale online | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Eimac 3CX800A7 Power Triode at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
3Cx800a7 Tubes for sale - eBay
Get the best deals for 3Cx800a7 Tubes at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!
Data sheets on RF Power Triodes - G8WRB
Here is some data on the power triodes that might be usable by amateurs for radio projects. Devices are listed from 100W to 50kW. Where possible, Eimac data sheets are provided, as Eimac tubes are used by so many hams. However, I don't have data sheets for all tubes. Sometimes a link is provided to a short summary on Eimac's web site.
Reviews For: EIMAC 3CX800A7 - eHam.net
Hi-Mu TRIODE with Indirectly heated cathode. Time Owned: more than 12 months. Yes, the grid is very prone to failure if (and a big if), there is no grid protection of which the AL-800H has. I have used this amp for 20+ years and it can still put out 2kw easily on all HF bands.
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3CX800A7 - Tube Data
As a linear ampl ifier, high power gain may be obtai ned without sacrifice of low Intermodulation distortion characteristics, Low grid interception and high ampl i- fication factor combine to …
3CPX800A7 Datasheet (PDF) - Communications & Power Industries, Inc.
Description: The 3CPX800A7 is a compact high-mu power. Manufacturer: Communications & Power Industries, Inc..
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3CX800A7 - qsl.net
The 3CX800A7 is a compact power triode intended for use as a cathode-driven Class AB2 or Class B amplifier in rf applications including the VHF band. As a linear amplifier, high power …
A low-drive, grounded-grid 3CX800A7 amplifier
Break the "100-W exciter" barrier in style: one tube, six bands and 750 W output with less than 25 W of drive! Would you like to own an amplifier that you can drive easily with a low-power exciter? Do you operate RTTY and have to settle for low power output from your transceiver (because of RTTY's 100% duty cycle) while wishing for more?
The 3CX800A7 is a compact high-mu power triode intended for use in zero bias class B amplifiers in audio or radio frequency applications. It may also be useful as a pulse modulator or regulator. A single 3CX800A7 will deliver 750 watts PEP and 750 watts keydown CW output to 350 MHz.
Penta Labs RF Vacuum Tubes 3CX800A7 - DX Engineering
Penta Labs matched vacuum tubes go through rigorous test procedures to enhance performance during their operation. Each Penta Labs vacuum tube is burned in for a minimum of 48 hours …
3CX800A7 For Sale: 3CX800A7 Tube Data Sheet & Replacement Info
Single or multiple 3CX800A7 tubes for sale. Penta Labs offers premium quality 3CX800A7 tubes in multiple configurations to meet your specific needs: Penta Labs offers high-quality 3CX800A7 replacement options designed and manufactured in the USA.
3CPX800 Amp Test Data - wv7u.com
All power measurements were made with HP435 and HP437 power meters and calibrated directional couplers.
Amplifier : Ham radio power amplifiers - The DXZone.com
5 天之前 · WV7U YC156 and 3CPX800 amplifier projects. See pictures, schematics, test data, links, and more! Thierry LOMBRY, ON4SKY, develops in three long articles all you need to know about amplification, and how to seletc an HF and a solid-state amplifier, with pictures.
Datasheet Archive: 3CPX800 datasheets
Abstract: Amplifiers 3cpx800 108MHz SK-1906 Text: The 3CPX800A7 is a compact high-mu power triode intended for use in zero bias Class B amplifiers in pulsed radio frequency applications. It may also be used as a pulse modulator or regulator. A single 3CPX800A7 will deliver 6 kW peak output in drive-pulsed RF service.
3CPX800 amp questions - WV7U.com
The purpose of the 300nH inductor is to help lower the Q of the output network on the high bands and make the amp easier, or possible, to tune on 10m. I needed it because of the relatively …
EIMAC Transmission Tube 3CX800A7 - RF BroadCast
3CX800A7 Tube broadcast/industrial -mfg EIMAC Pulse Rated Transmitting Tube The 3CX800A7 is a compact high-mu power triode intended for use in zero bias Class B amplifiers in pulsed radio frequency applications. It may also be used as a pulse modulator or regulator. A single 3CX800A7 will deliver 6 kW peak output in drive-pulsed RF service.
Triode 3CX800A7 - relltubes.com
The 3CX800A7 is a compact high-mu power triode intended for use in zero-bias class B amplifiers in audio or radio frequency applications. It may also be useful as a pulse modulator or regulator. A single 3CX800A7 will deliver 750 watts PEP and 750 watts key down CW output to 350 MHz.