:: 3DP Chip :: 3DP Software (3DP Chip / Net / Bench)
3DP Net will detect which network adapter is installed on your PC and automatically choose the right driver from its integrated ethernet card driver pool that enables to use the internet with breeze. 3DP Chip is another useful program that will automatically detect and display the information on your CPU, motherboard, video card and sound card ...
3DP Bench download
3DP Bench Introduction : 3DP Bench was designed to evaluate the performance of the CPU. This program supports your multi-core CPU. And here you will be able to register your rank. Click here to download the latest version. USA | Asia
3DP Bench - Download - LO4D.com
2012年2月4日 · Want to know how fast your Windows PC boots up? 3DP offers this extremely lean freeware application to do exactly that. 3DP Bench will quickly benchmark your Windows start up time and display the results to you. 3DP Bench also offers an online ranking system to show you where you stand compared to others across the world. Compatibility and License
3DP Bench Download Free (Windows) - 10.05 | Softpedia
2012年6月21日 · 3DP Bench is a lightweight Windows application built specifically for helping you measure the boot and reboot time, as well as check the online ranking system for comparing your results with...
3DP - 나무위키
2025年2月11日 · 3DP에서 만든 프로그램 중 주로 PC의 드라이버를 찾아주고 다운로드할 수 있게 해 주거나 백업해주는 3DP Chip과 3DP Net이 가장 알려져 있으며, 그 외에도 3DP Cleaner, 3DP Bench, 3DP Planner가 있다.
Download 3DP Bench 10.05 (latest) - LO4D.com
Test and benchmark the speed and performance of HDD, SSD or USB device by reading and writing data to the disk. 3DP Bench 10.05 for Windows free download. Safe, secure and tested for viruses and malware.
3DPChip.com [ Translation ] - 3dp bench
2017年3月22日 · Introduction : 3DP Bench was designed to evaluate the performance of the CPU. This program supports your multi-core CPU. And here you will be able to register your rank.
3DP Bench (3DP 벤치) 무료 다운로드 – 컴퓨터 최적화 및 부팅속도 …
3DP Bench (3DP 벤치)는 간편하고 강력한 벤치마크 프로그램으로, 사용자의 컴퓨터 성능을 정확히 측정하고 웹 랭킹과 연동하여 비교할 수 있게 해줍니다. 무설치 단일 파일로 다양한 Windows 버전에서 사용 가능합니다. 3DP Bench는 PC용 프로그램이므로 모바일 버전은 지원되지 않습니다. 클릭 한번으로 간편하게 3DP Bench를 다운로드하고 설치할 수 있습니다. 아래 버튼을 클릭하여 자동으로 본인의 기종에 맞게 다운로드 받아보세요! 3DP Bench는 PC 전용 프로그램으로, 모바일 …
3DP Bench Calculates Boot Time for Windows - trishtech.com
2016年6月30日 · 3DP Bench is a small program to measure the boot and reboot times in your Windows PC. It has not been updated for some time, so the comparison with other people's boot times function is no longer seem to work, but it can still …
3DPChip.com [ Translation ] - Traditional Chinese
2012年11月30日 · "3DP Chip 是一個好用的工具程式,他能自動偵測並顯示您系統中的硬體資訊,若您連上網際網路便能立即更新各種硬體的驅動程式。 Q : "若我不能連上網際網路呢? A : "您可以先安裝 3DP Net,這個程式包含了網路卡驅動程式。 Q : "我要如何下載驅動程式? A : "點擊左側裝置清單,會出現下載頁面,確認頁面中的驅動程式適用您的作業系統即可下載安裝。 "本頁面列出本公司所有最新軟體,您只要點擊以下按鈕即可下載使用。 Q : "3DP Chip 和 3DP Net 有何 …