Is there anyway to get 3ds on tv through hdmi? Where could I
2021年11月5日 · There are currently only two ways to output video directly from a 3DS console, and both require a PC for viewing. There are no direct HDMI modifications, nor are there any plug-and-play solutions; everything outside of pointing a camera at your system requires either a hardware or software modification.
2022年4月19日 · There are currently only two ways to output video directly from a standard 3DS console, and both require a PC for viewing. There are no direct HDMI modifications, nor are there any plug-and-play solutions or off-the-shelf USB adapters; everything outside of pointing a camera at your system requires either a hardware or software modification.
Is there a way to play my 3DS on my TV? : r/3DS - Reddit
i don't see why you'd want to. seems to me like you'd need an extremely long cord, else you'd be sitting very close to the tv, and even then you'd probably be looking at the 3ds anyway. unless there was some way to use some other controller with it but then you're completely unable to use the touch screen at all.
Is there a way to hook up 3ds to tv? I recently got my parents
2022年2月16日 · Here's some information I've compiled regarding 3DS video capture: There are currently only two ways to output video directly from a standard 3DS console, and both require a PC for viewing. There are no direct HDMI modifications, nor are there any plug-and-play solutions or off-the-shelf USB adapters; everything outside of pointing a camera at ...
Easy way to play 3DS games on computer monitor or TV? : r/3DS
2022年2月25日 · There are currently only two ways to output video directly from a standard 3DS console, and both require a PC for viewing. There are no direct HDMI modifications, nor are there any plug-and-play solutions or off-the-shelf USB adapters; everything outside of pointing a camera at your system requires either a hardware or software modification.
is there anyway to hook up the original 3ds to a tv? : r/3DS - Reddit
2022年1月24日 · There are currently only two ways to output video directly from a standard 3DS console, and both require a PC for viewing. There are no direct HDMI modifications, nor are there any plug-and-play solutions; everything outside of pointing a camera at your system requires either a hardware or software modification. Your options are:
How can I record footage on a 3ds in 2022? : r/3DS - Reddit
2022年1月9日 · There are currently only two ways to output video directly from a standard 3DS console, and both require a PC for viewing. There are no direct HDMI modifications, nor are there any plug-and-play solutions; everything outside of pointing a camera at your system requires either a hardware or software modification. Your options are:
3DS Video Output - USB to HDMI, Capture, and Future Challenges …
2019年4月14日 · Now that the 3DS life is almost over, they should just release a final version of the 2DS, without the 3D, an USB output to charge and a HDMI output. Why not? They're not going to lose money not selling the charger, it doesn't even …
3ds to HDMI? : r/3DS - Reddit
2024年6月25日 · ohhh ok i get you. i did the loopy card on mine and i found it hard ( because the soldering was tiny) luckily macho nacho in youtube did a video on it as i was receiving mine. the card will come with a usb c port and you can use that to connect to your pc. i use usbc to usb. because the software is in the computer you can’t quite stream direct to tv or monitor . totally check out the maco ...
3DS HDMI Out- is it possible? : r/3DS - Reddit
It's easier to hack your 3DS, get CFW on it, get NTR. (Which is a program that streams 3DS video) have it stream to your PC, and hook the PC to the TV with an HDMI cable. You can find out more about all of this at r/3dshacks as nine2five mentioned, or you can check out this video too: