SUNISO® 3GS Refrigeration Oil L316; L318; L321; L324; L350; L351; L354; :357 SDS Revision Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/07/2019 Page 3 of 10 SAFETY DATA SHEET Restrict access to area until completion of clean-up. Ensure clean-up is conducted by trained personnel only. All persons dealing with the clean-up should wear the
“Suniso GS” series are premium quality mineral oils specially formulated for use as refrigeration compressor lubricants. “Suniso GS” series have excellent lubricity not only with HC, CFC and HCFC refrigerants. “Suniso GS” series are from specially selected naphthenic oils by sophisticated methods, assuring excellent lubricity and other properties.
L318 (3GS) SUNISO Mineral Refrigeration Oil - 150 SUS, 1 …
2023年3月17日 · Parker Hannifin 475328 - L318 (3GS) SUNISO Mineral Refrigeration Oil - 150 SUS, 1 Gallon (ISO 32)- Suniso premium naphthenic based refrigeration and A/C oils have been the AC/R industry standard for over 40 years because of the long trouble-free service records of systems that have used Suniso refrigeration oils .
- 评论数: 2
太阳3GS冷冻油_SUNISO 3GS冷冻机油_日本进口冷冻油 | 冷王科技
太阳3GS冷冻机油是将精选的环烷基原油经过特殊的处理方法精炼而成的,具有优越的润滑性、化学稳定性,低温特性和与冷媒良好的相溶性。 因此在使用中能维持制冷系统性能的常去稳定。 太阳SUNISO 3GS冷冻机油使用于各类型的压缩机,已具有长久而完满的历史,大多数压缩机制造厂都指定使用本系列油,如日立、大金、三洋、谷轮、汉钟、复盛、擎宇、松下、东芝、麦克维尔、日本电装、日本三电等制冷压缩机制造商,油品同时用于出厂时的新机及维修后的旧机。 日 …
SUNISO GS OILS 是在空调器、电冰箱、冷柜、冷冻机的制冷系统内能充分发挥最佳性能。 为世界首屈一指的高级冷冻机油。 SUNISO GS OILS 最适合于HCFC冷媒(R-22,R-502)、自然冷媒(R-600a,R-717,R-290)以及CFC冷媒(R-12)的机种;可供选用的粘度范围: ISO VG 12-VG 100 ;可以使用于往复式、旋转式、 涡卷式、和涡轮式等各种压缩机。 SUNISO GS OILS 是将精选的环烷基原油经过特殊的处理方法精制而成的,具有优越的润滑性、 化学稳定性,低 …
Suniso® Refrigeration Mineral Oil - Johnstone Supply
Description: Suniso 3GS Refrigeration Mineral Oil; Viscosity: ISO 32 (150 SUS); Size: 1 Gallon; Contact your local store for additional notes and/or restrictions. WARRANTY - Johnstone …
昆仑3GS冷冻机油_中国石油昆仑冷冻油 - CRR中冷
中冷公司可分别提供drc/b32(昆仑3gs)、drc/b56(昆仑4gs)、drc/b100(昆仑5gs)几个品种牌号的冷冻机油。 也可根据需要提供其它粘度等级的产品。 首页
Suniso 3GS Refrigerant oil – International Industrial Mall
Suniso GS oils can be used in virtually any installation, regardless of compressor or evaporation temperature and are miscible with (H)CFC refrigerants and natural refrigerants. Suniso GS oils can be applied in commercial as well as in residential refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
Deals on Compressor Oil 3gs/ 4 Liter - Al-Ramize
SUNISO 4GS/3GS Refrigeration Oil is a high-performance lubricant for air conditioning and refrigeration units. This oil is designed for use in systems.
Virginia Guardian 3GS Mineral Refrigeration Oil - 150 SUS, 1 …
Parker Hannifin 475345 - Virginia Guardian 3GS Mineral Refrigeration Oil - 150 SUS, 1 Gallon (ISO 32)- (VG-3-MO-1) Mineral Refrigeration OIl - One Gallon Free shipping on orders over $99 Your Zip: 23917
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