3M™ Performance Masking Tape 2364 | 3M United States
3M™ Performance Masking Tape 2364 is an economical crepe paper masking tape suitable for high temperature masking operations. It offers good holding power at both room temperature and up to 300°F/149°C. It is also suited for general light-duty holding and bundling applications.
3M™ 遮蔽胶带 2364 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国 - 3M China
3M™ 2364遮蔽胶带可在各类温度下提供良好的粘接力。 这款经济实惠的遮蔽胶带无论在上漆时还是在高温烤漆操作时都能表现出色。 皱纹纸背材可在300°F/149°C的烘烤温度下彻底揭除。 由于对金属、橡胶、玻璃和塑料具有卓越粘接性,这款胶带已成为支持、保护、捆绑应用及诸多涂装操作的经济之选,尤其是在工业制造领域。 该胶带可通过ASTM D6123认证。 皱纹纸背材易于撕断,对角落周边和极度不规则表面具有卓越的适形性,而橡胶胶粘剂可马上粘连并提供良好的支 …
Scotch® 高溫美紋紙遮蔽膠帶 2364 | 3M 臺灣
Scotch® 高溫美紋紙遮蔽膠帶 2364系列是經濟實惠的皺紋紙遮蔽膠帶,適用於高溫遮蔽作業。 在室溫或高達149°C (300°F)的環境下同時具有良好的黏合力,亦適用於一般的輕量接著和建築營造應用場合。
3M™ Performance Masking Tape 2364 is a tan colored crepe paper masking tape for general masking applications in the industrial market where good holding power and temperature performance is required.
Scotch® Performance Masking Tape 2364 is a tan colored crepe paper masking tape for general masking applications in the industrial market where good holding power and temperature performance is required. 55 m (60.17 yds.)* *Available in …
3M 2364 Performance Masking Tape - 0.25 in. x 180 ft. Tan, …
2016年3月7日 · 3M Performance Masking Tape is an economical crepe paper masking tape suitable for high temperature masking operations. It offers good holding power at both room temperature and up to 300°F/149°C. It is also suited for …
Scotch 3M Performance Masking Tape 2364, Clean Removal, …
2007年6月6日 · 3M Performance Masking Tape 2364 is designed to offer the holding power, workability, and heat resistance to conquer jobs big and small. This tape uses a blended rubber adhesive that's engineered to resist curling/lifting, and leave a residue-free finish.
3M™ Performance Masking Tape 2364
3M™ Performance Masking Tape 2364 is an economical crepe paper masking tape suitable for high temperature masking operations. It offers good holding power at both room temperature and up to 300°F/149°C. It is also suited for general light-duty holding and bundling applications.
Scotch® Performance Masking Tape 2364 - 3M Canada
The Scotch® Performance Masking Tape 2364 is a tan coloured crepe paper masking tape for general masking applications in the industrial market where good holding power and temperature performance is required. The 3M™ Performance Masking Tape 2364 offers good adhesion at a wide range of temperatures.
Scotch® Tape 2364 is a chamois colored creped paper masking tape designed for most of the paint masking applications in the industrial market where high holding power is requiered. The temperature performance of the Scotch® Tape 2364 allows air drying and oven curing of paint up to a maximum of 100 °C for one hour with easy removal afterwards.