3M ™ Double-Sided Tapes for Hard-to-Bond Textures with 3M High-tack Acrylic Adhesive 300MP+ Support heating and cooling efficiency. Enhance any design with gasket-sealing adhesives. Attach closed-cell foam to metals with 3M ™
3M薄双面胶带全新300MP 系列登场—更宽更广的应用选择
2020年9月10日 · 今天我们要介绍的这个系列,则是很多用户很少听到的—— 3M™300MP系列胶带。 300MP系列胶带也是3M 采用无溶剂涂布技术 的一系列 丙烯酸胶带。 其 特性 包括: 你可能会问了,300MP和300LSE有什么区别? 首先,这是两个配方完全不同的系列。 虽然都有着“300号”代表的胶软、粘性强的特性,但目标定位却有差别。 300LSE系列 顾名思义, 粘接低表面能材料 如PP非常合适。 而 300MP则胜在粘接粗糙表面。 因为其胶非常软,能实现对粗糙表面很好 …
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9775WL+, Clear, 5 mil, Roll, Config
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9775WL+ is designed for bonding plastics, foams, wood and textiles. The adhesive flows into crevices and voids without the addition of heat. This transfer tape features 3M™ Adhesive 300MP+, a high tack acrylic that delivers good initial bond and full adhesion within 48 - 72 hours.
• 3MTM Acrylic Adhesive 300MP+ is “Low Fog” per SAEJ1756 • Excellent adhesion to foam, fabrics, felt, nylon, leather, wood and other substrates • Intended for a variety of markets, including general industrial, automotive, marine, medical equipment, specialty vehicle and construction finishing
3MTM Transfer Adhesive 300MP provides an good bond to various fabricated foams, fabrics, substrates, and has good shear strength at elevated temperatures. These tapes also meet the highly variable needs of most gasket fabricators. High adhesion to …
薄型双面胶带 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国 - 3M China
3M™200MP丙烯酸胶粘剂是一种多功能胶粘剂,具有出色的剪切强度和剥离强度、抗移位能力以及抗溶剂性和耐热性。 它可在各领域反复使用,如消费类电器、工业机械、汽车、运输、消费类电子、医疗保健、医院、公共空间通信、图层叠加和健身器材等。
丙烯酸粘合剂 - 双面转移胶带 - 300MP+焕新上市 | 3M官方网站 | 3M …
2024年11月14日 · 3m™ 300mp+ 系列双面转移胶带是应对现代设计挑战的理想选择。 其卓越的性能和广泛的应用领域,使其成为各种行业中不可或缺的粘合解决方案。 无论是在极端环境下的耐久性,还是在多种材料上的适用性,300MP+ 系列丙烯酸粘合剂都能满足设计师和工程师的高 ...
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9832HL+, Clear, 4.8 mil, Roll, Config
3M™ Adhesive 300MP+ offers an excellent bond to various foams, plastics and felt substrates, and has good shear strength at elevated temperatures. A thin, tough, polyester film (PET) carrier between the adhesive layers improves the handling and …
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 6038PL+, Clear, 8 mil, Roll, Config
3M™ Acrylic Adhesive Transfer Tape 6038PL+ is an 8 mil transfer tape formulated for low fog characteristics. The 300MP+ adhesive is suitable for bonding to most substrates including foams, fabrics and substrates with rough or textured surfaces.
• 3M™ Acrylic Adhesive 300MP+ is “Low Fog” per SAEJ1756 • Good adhesion to foam, plywood and other substrates • Intended for a variety of industrial markets