3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting Series 4000
3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting Series 4000 offers superior reflectivity at short and long distances; Meets today’s highest published performance specifications; 3M’s best solutions for sign positions outside of primary headlight illumination; One of the brightest durable sheeting for cost-efficient guidance
3M™ Diamond Grade 钻石级反光膜 4083, 荧光黄绿 ... - 3M China
3m车身反光标识与各类反光贴能够帮助您大大提高车辆的夜间可视性,有效减少夜间碰撞事故的发生。 我们的各类产品均符合国家关于不同商用车(卡车、危险品车辆、小车、消防车、有轨电车及其他非管制类车辆)的标准要求,醒目的车身轮廓让道路更安全 ...
3M™ 钻石级校车反光标识 4083, 荧光黄绿色, 5 厘米 x 45.1 米, 带3M …
ガードレールやコンクリート面など粗い表面に直接貼り付け出来るように設計された製品です。 余分な板面を使わず施工時間が短縮でき、再帰性反射の特徴である「必要な人が必要なときに」効果が得られる経済的な安全対策製品です。 強力な接着剤なので粗面への直接貼り付けが可能です。 蛍光イエローグリーン色の反射シートを使用していることにより、薄暮、荒天時の環境下においても高い視認性を発揮します。 汚染防止表面処理により、メンテナンスの手間・コス …
Diamond Grade 反光膜 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国 - 3M China
3M™ Diamond Grade 钻石级反光膜 4083, 荧光黄绿, 1.219 米 x 45.72 米 (48 英寸 x 50 码), 1 卷/箱
3M (4083) DG³ Reflective Sheeting 4083 Fluorescent Yellow …
2014年10月21日 · 3M (TM) Diamond Grade (TM) DG³ Reflective Sheeting 4083 Fluorescent Yellow Green, 24 in x 50 yd. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Looking for specific info?
3M™ 鑽石級反光片 4083, 螢光黃綠色, 48 in x 50 yd
3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting Series 4000
3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting Series 4000 offers superior reflectivity at short and long distances; Meets today’s highest published performance specifications; Used for signs in areas warning the presence of non-motorized traffic, such as students in/near school zones, pedestrians, and bicyclists
3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Prismatic Vehicle Marking 4083-33, …
3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Vehicle Marking Series 4083-33 are designed for application on firebrigade vehicles for increased visibility during day & night. The 4083-33 sheeting provides excellent reflectivity and brightness in fluorescent yellow-green/red -striped sheeting according to DIN 14502-3, printed with french test institute number ...
3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting 4083 ... - 3M India
3M™ Diamond Grade™ Reflective Sheeting offers industry-leading retroreflectivity, conspicuity and legibility because of its highly efficient retroreflective optics. It helps improve safety by providing higher luminance values at distances most critical to drivers