3M™ Bumpon™ Protective Products SJ5018 | 3M United States
3M™ Bumpon™ Protective Product SJ5018 is a self-adhesive rubber bumper designed to be used as feet, stops and spacers. The flat top shape provides increased load bearing capacity and better wear resistance.
3M™ 脚垫 SJ5018, 黑色, 3000/箱 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国
上述品牌均为3M公司的注册商标。 3M Bumpon防护产品是一种自粘式橡胶缓冲器,设计用于脚、止动器和间隔件。 半球形形状提供了极好的声阻尼和能量吸收。
3M 5018 白色贴膜小卷(RMB)-48英寸*250码 - Xinminghui
3M 5018白膜,应用于集装箱,铸造级贴膜,适用于丝网印刷,刻字,贴膜等工艺。 商城所售产品均为全新正品,质量保证,请放心购买. 商品照片均为专业摄影师拍摄后和后期修正调整,尽量与现实商品保持一致。 但由于灯光、显示器色彩偏差及个人对颜色理解各有不同,如有疑问,请与客服联系确认。 发货时间:每日16:00前付款的订单当天发出,16:00以后付款于次日发出。 (法定节假日及商城大型活动期间除外) 发货快递:默认申通快递,大货、重货可发物流。 如收货 …
SJ-5018-BLACK 3M | Hardware, Fasteners, Accessories | DigiKey
SJ-5018-BLACK – Bumper Square, Tapered 0.500" L x 0.500" W (12.70mm x 12.70mm) Polyurethane Black from 3M. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
SJ-5018-BLACK 3M | 五金件,紧固件,配件 | DigiKey
来自 3M 的 SJ-5018-BLACK – 缓冲器 方形,锥形 0.500" 长 x 0.500" 宽(12.70mm x 12.70mm) 聚氨脂 黑色。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
3M Bumpon SJ5018 Bumper/Spacer Pad 67380, Black | RSHughes.com
3M Bumpon SJ5018 black square bumper/spacer pad comes in a 0.5 in width, uses a rubber adhesive and is packaged 3000 pads per case.
3M Bumpon SJ5018 Black Bumper/Spacer Pad - amazon.com
2012年2月1日 · 3M Bumpon SJ5018 Black Bumper/Spacer Pad - Square Shaped Bumper - 0.5 in Width x 0.23 in Height - 67380 [PRICE is per PAD]
3M™ Bumpon™ Protective Products SJ5018 Black, 3000/Case
3M™ Bumpon™ Protective Product SJ5018 is a self-adhesive rubber bumper designed to be used as feet, stops and spacers. The flat top shape provides increased load bearing capacity and better wear resistance. Protect delicate items from being scuffed, nicked and scratched with 3M™ Bumpon™ Protective Products.
3M 5018 小白膜卷 - cn.maclabels.com
耐候性好,户外使用7年 产品更薄,易刻字 收缩率小 粘性好,不会变形 可丝印3M 5018白色薄膜,应用于容器、流延级薄膜,适用于丝网印刷、刻字、覆膜等工艺
SJ-5018 (BLACK) 3M Electronic Specialty | Mouser
1 天前 · SJ-5018 (BLACK) 3M Electronic Specialty Bumpers / Feet MED TAPERED SQ BLK 80 PER PAD datasheet, inventory, & pricing.