3M™ Bair Hugger™ Warming Blanket, 58501, Lithotomy
3M™ Bair Hugger™ Lithotomy Underbody Warming Blanket, 58501 is a single-use underbody forced-air warming blanket that provides unrestricted patient access. This blanket for normothermia can be conveniently positioned before the patient arrives to the room during lithotomy surgeries.
3M™ Bair Hugger™ Lithotomy Underbody Blanket, Model 585
3M™ Bair Hugger™ Lithotomy Underbody Warming Blanket, 58501 is a single-use underbody forced-air warming blanket that provides unrestricted patient access. This blanket for normothermia can be conveniently positioned before the patient arrives to the room during lithotomy surgeries.
3M™ Bair Hugger™ 585膀胱切开取石术身下毯
3M™ Polyester Film Electrical Tape 58 | 3M United States
3M™ Electrical Tape 58 is a general purpose, polyester film tape that has a thermosetting, rubber adhesive which provides excellent adherence. This high temperature tape offers excellent resistance to chemicals, solvents, moisture, abrasion and cu through.
3MTM ベアーハガーTM ブランケット使用のポイント アンダーボディブランケットModel 585体温維持が難しい砕石位で効果を発揮する手術台に敷くタイプ
3M™ Unitek™ Permachrome Resilient Archwire 300-585, …
3M™ Unitek™ Permachrome Resilient Archwire is our most popular stainless steel archwire – delivering a balance of malleability and springback.
本品は、手術時等の低体温状態を防止・回復させるために、エアパッド特定加温装置コントロールユニットに接続し、患者の体の下に敷いて患者を加温するためのエアパッド加温装置(ディスポーザブルウォーミングブランケット)である。 エアパッド特定加温装置コントロールユニットにより温められた空気は、エアーホースから患者を覆ったウォーミングブランケットに送り込まれ、孔を通り、患者を加温する。 めるために患者の頭頸に被せます。 適用機種 本品は、以 …
Designed to deliver full, unrestricted patient access and flexibility for procedures involving the lower extremities and abdominal, peritoneal and pelvic cavities. Underbody design provides full, unrestricted access to the patient and accommodates lateral, supine and lithotomy positions.
3M™ Scotchcal™ 不透光膠膜50系列 Graphic Film Series 50-585, …
3M™ Scotchcal™ Graphic Film Series 50 不透光膠膜50系列為高分子聚合輪壓式膠膜,透明永久感壓膠,適用黏貼於平面, 可廣泛應用於廣告招牌,卡車拖車,玻璃窗等之商用圖識
585 - Datasheet PDF - Electroluminescent - 3M - Utmel
3M 585 technical specifications, attributes, parameters and parts with similar specifications to 3M 585.
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