3MTM Double Coated Tapes with 3MTM Laminating Adhesive 420 are high tack film tapes that feature a polyester film carrier for dimensional stability and improved handling with ease of die cutting and laminating. The high tack acrylic 3M adhesive 420 provides both high performance at a wide temperature range and excellent adhesion to many plastics.
3M™ 双面聚酯胶带 9795 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国 - 3M China
适用于苛刻应用的易加工胶带 3m™双面胶带9795是一款5.7密耳的pet胶带,设计用于各种温度范围内的应用。该胶带具有0.5密耳的聚酯薄膜载体,在分切、模切和层压等加工过程中提供出色的操作性。
3M™ 9795R 单面硅胶诊断胶带 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国
卷装透明单面硅胶诊断胶带(9795r),一面涂有3m硅胶胶粘剂。 该胶带缠绕在涂有氟硅的白色聚酯离型纸上。 可用于医疗器械。
3MTM Microfluidic Diagnostic Tape 9795R, consists of a clear polypropylene film coated on one side with a pressure sensitive, delayed tack, silicone adhesive. The tape is supplied on a white fluoro-silicone coated polyester release liner.
3M™ 光學生物檢測用單面膠帶 9795R, 24 in x 144 yd/卷
光學生物檢測用膠帶9795R,透明聚烯烴薄膜,單面塗佈矽膠感壓膠,膠帶離型膜採用氟素離型劑的白色聚酯離型膜。 可用於診斷型醫療器材例如檢測試片、微型晶片和PCR應用。
9795 3M | Tapes, Adhesives, Materials | DigiKey
Order today, ships today. 9795 – Double Coated, Double Sided Tape Acrylic Adhesive Tan X from 3M. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
9795 3M | 膠帶、黏合劑、材料 | DigiKey - DigiKey Electronics
3M 的 9795 – 雙塗層、雙面 編帶 丙烯酸 黏合劑 淺棕色 X。 DigiKey 提供數百萬款電子元件的價格及供貨情況。
3M 9795 Clear Bonding Tape - 54 in Width x 60 yd Length
2012年9月4日 · 3M 9795 clear bonding tape comes in a 54 in width, 60 yd length, uses an acrylic adhesive and is packaged 1 roll per case. Can be used to a maximum temperature of +250 F. When purchasing this product, consider the thickness.
3M™ Double Coated Film Tape 9795, Clear, 54 in x 60 yd, 5.6 mil, …
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9795 stands up under tough conditions, yet provides stability and handles easily during processing. This double coated tape features a thin .5 mil black polyester film carrier coated on both sides with our high tack Adhesive 420, excellent for bezel, display and electronic component bonding.
3MTM Microfluidic Diagnostic Tape 9795T, consists of a clear polyester film coated on one side with a pressure sensitive, delayed tack, silicone adhesive. The tape is supplied on a white fluorosilicone coated polyester release liner.