3M™ Nuisance Organic Vapour Respirator 9913, GP1, 90 ea/Case
Activated carbon layer reduces exposure to nuisance levels* of organic vapour and odour. Robust shell and cup design that is resistant to collapse for durability.
3M™ P1 含活性碳拋棄式防塵口罩 9913, 15個/盒, 6盒/箱
3m持續探索並為眾多產業提供創新的解決方案,幫助解決世界各地的問題。 ... 3m™ p1 含活性碳拋棄式防塵口罩 9913, 15個/盒, 6盒/箱 ...
3M™ 活性碳口罩 9913, 單片包
3M-9913 P1 防有機氣體活性碳防塵口罩 - 世筌公司 - CeaChain
3m-9913 p1 防有機氣體活性碳防塵口罩,耳掛式/頭帶式設計,適用清潔、化驗、衛生、農藥及含有特定濃度有機蒸氣之工作環境,可調式鼻梁夾,減少霧氣產生與改善密合度。
3M™ Disposable Respirator 9913, GP1 ©Copyright 3M Australia Pty. Limited 2007 Neither whole or part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission February 2007 PRODUCT INFORMATION SHEET WARNING! Respirators must not be used until your employer has determined whether us-age will be in accordance with manu-facturers instructions.
【GP1等級】3M口罩 9913 頭戴式碗型 有機溶劑口罩 (油漆、農藥 …
3m 9913系列效能口罩特性. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️. 1.重量輕,碗型立體口罩。 2.活性炭層緩解異味,針對工作場所氣味防護。 3.gp1等級可用於防護低濃度農藥,油漆等環境。 4.專利靜電過濾材質與活性炭層,有效防護有機蒸氣
3MTM Cool FlowTM exhalation valve of ers improved comfort in hot humid environments and/or where work is hard and physical*. 3MTM 9913 and 3MTM 9913V respirators contain a galvanised steel noseclip suitable for use in underground coal mines. This respirator does not contain components made from natural rubber latex.
3M™ Speciality Particulate Respirator, FFP1, Unvalved, 9913
Get reliable and effective FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 breathing protection against dusts, mists, organic vapours, acid gases, ozone (APF 10) and hydrogen fluoride, with 3M™ Speciality Particulate Respirators. They feature an activated carbon layer that provides relief from nuisance odours, and they’re ideal for welding or waste sorting work environments.
3M 9913 紐澳認證 GP1活性碳口罩 15只一盒 防禽流感 沙塵暴 霧 …
商品名稱:3m 9913 活性碳防塵口罩有機氣體使用 販售規格:15個/盒 活性碳有機蒸氣專用口罩, 通過紐澳認證, 可提供有效去除異味並過濾懸浮微粒。
3M 活性碳口罩 9913單片包 - PChome 24h購物 - PChome 線上購物
3M 活性碳口罩 9913單片包 - 其他口罩, ★特製編織頭帶,調整固定方便、安全舒適 ★重量低於13公克 ★含特殊活性碳,完全吸附有害物質 ★低輪廓設計、視野廣闊 ★鼻梁夾設計,適合各種臉型 ★含特殊靜電濾材,有效補捉粉塵、霧滴 ★柔細內層,配帶舒適 -----, 找3M ...
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