ACT Agitator - PRO-DO-MIX®
3PM-0134 Hurricane 3-blade high-efficiency impeller has a high hydrodynamic profile, ensuring high flow rate and off-bottom solid suspension, resulting in an overall improvement of the mixing process even when dealing with high solids concentration and big volumes.
Agitators for anoxic processes: Nitro - Denitro - PRO-DO-MIX®
Our 3PM-0134 and 3PM-0030 impellers are specifically designed to perform this function: they allow agitation of considerable volumes of sludge, even up to 1500 m 3 with a single agitator, with a homogeneous and uniform mixing action through the entire volume.
Customised Agitators - PRO-DO-MIX®
Ideal solutions for agitation fluids in tanks up to 1500 m 3 with a single agitator. From design to machining, through welding and painting, each PRO-DO-MIX ® agitator is manufactured on our premises.
Agitatori verticali standard o custom - PRO-DO-MIX®
3pm-0134 hurricane Giranti per Flash Mixing Girante ad alta efficienza con un alto profilo idrodinamico, conosciuto anche come hydrofoil: con il suo alto indice di portata , è particolarmente indicata per il flash mixing , la sospensione di fanghi e solidi, l’equalizzazione.
SH T 0134-1992 白色石油固态石蜡试验法.pdf 2页 - 原创力文档
2020年11月24日 · 中华人 民共和 国石油化工行业标准 SH/T0134-92 白色油固态石蜡试验法 (2004年确认) 主题 内容与适用 范围 本标准规定了白色油固态石蜡的试验方法。 本标准适用于白色油产品中固态石蜡的检验。 2 引用标准 GB/T514 石油产品试验用液体温度计技术条件 3 方法概要 将盛有干燥试样的带塞试管置人0℃的冰水中,恒温放置4h,如果试样仍然清澈透明,无固态 石蜡析出,则认定试样的固态石蜡试验合格。 4 试剂与材料 4.1 工业乙醇。 4.2 碎冰。 5 仪器、设 …
0134 数据的表示和运算3_-0.4375的ieee754单精度浮点数-CSDN博客
2023年7月23日 · 文章介绍了浮点数在计算机中的表示方法,包括对阶操作在浮点加减运算中的作用,以及IEEE754标准下的64位浮点数格式。 文中提供了相关习题,如最小规格化负数的计算,最大正数的表示,以及浮点数加法可能遇到的溢出情况等,帮助读者深入理解浮点数运算的原理。 1.下列关于对阶操作,正确的是() A.在浮点加减运算的对阶操作中,若阶码减小,则尾数左移. B.在浮点加减运算的对阶操作中,若阶码增大,则尾数右移;若阶码减小,则尾数左移. C.在 …
Enviro-Tec PC-01-0134 - Affiliated Parts
In Stock Orders Ship Same Day if Ordered by 3pm CST. Created with sketchtool. SEARCH BY Search By; Factory Authorized Rep ... PC-01-0134. FAN RELAY BOARD,30VA,FRBII,PK-FCU030. 2 Item(s) in stock. If out of stock, Lead time is typically 1-2 weeks. $242.32. CREATE ACCOUNT OR LOGIN TO ORDER
Contact - HSNAZ
Flagstaff, AZ 86003-0134. Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm. Closed on Federal Holidays and Fridays. Sharon's Attic Thrift Store. Tel: 928-856-4864. Store Address: 1926 N 4th St, Ste 5 Flagstaff, AZ 86004. sharonsattic.org. Email Directory. General Inquiry. [email protected]. Administration and Senior Staff.
ER3208G3 升级最新固件release 0134 - 知了社区
2023年6月4日 · 升级release 0134固件之后,路由器直接就断网了,每次重启之后,偶尔能连上,但是一会儿就没网络,wan口是pppoe拨号的,看信息是有在线拨号成功的,但是我无法上网。
3 code p0134,p0154,p0300 - GMC Truck Forum
2011年1月1日 · First off, your O2 sensors are shot. They die around 75K miles. But p0154 and p0134 are interesting codes, because they show ZERO activity for your sensors. This may be a wiring problem. Have those harnesses going to the O2 sensors inspected first, before we start diagnosing misfire codes. You may have a mouse chewing your shit up.