Profile Pengacara Program 3R – Budiey Channel
2013年5月27日 · Rafidah Abdullah started hosting 3R in the year 2000 but left after 3 years to pursue her Master’s in Scriptwriting in London. Rafidah consistently wrote many episodes for 3R including the episode that won 3R “Best Infotainment Program†for the Asian TV Awards. Rejoining 3R in 2006, she continued writing for TV, commercials, NGOs and films.
How 3R changed Malaysian TV - The Nut Graph
2010年4月27日 · The 3R hosts conducted many workshops, in collaboration with women’s organisations such as the All Women’s Action Society, on reproductive health, women’s hygiene, and sexual harassment in schools and workplaces. (From left) Hosts Celina Khor, Rafidah Abdullah and Kartini Ariffin at the Wisel Untuk Wanita event in 2009
My quest led me to a job switch from an auditor to hosting one of Malaysia’s award winning women empowerment program called 3R (Respect, Relax, Respond) as their host. 3R was revolutionary for Malaysian conservative and traditional society.
Rafidah Abdullah (Author of Buku Untuk Filem Pisau Cukur) - Goodreads
Since her return in 2006, Rafidah has continued hosting 3R, and has been appointed Unicef ambassador for Malaysia along with her 3R co-hosts. Rafidah wrote and appeared in the critically acclaimed film Gol & Gincu (2005), which was nominated for Best Screenplay at the 19th Malaysian Film Festival.
Hos 3R mengimbas kembali - YouTube
Nak tau apa rasanya menjadi hos 3R? Nah, dengar sendiri dari Azah, Yuen, Rafidah, Tini dan Celina!Twitter: @3RMalaysia / #3RInstagram: @3RMalaysia / #3RFaceb...
Dayah, Amirah & Yvonne Hos Baharu '3R' - Hiburan | mStar
2013年10月17日 · PETALING JAYA: Program 3R (Respek, Relaks, Respon) musim baharu akhirnya memperkenalkan tiga hos iaitu Dayah Bakar, Amirah Azmi dan Yvonne Lee yang dipilih melalui program realiti Projek 3R. Pengurus Besar, Kumpulan Jenama, TV3, Siti Nurlisia Mohd Nadzri berkata, ketiga-tiga wajah baharu ini bakal meneruskan legasi 3R sebelum ini dengan ...
3R编码【3R教室 & 3R工作室】 | 3R教室 - 快速使用指南 - 3RCD
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Togeth3R - Danish 3R-Center
Each year, the Danish 3R-Center hosts their annual 3R-symposium in Copenhagen with international presenters and guests.
India poised to host the 12th Regional 3R and Circular Economy …
2025年2月24日 · The Forum will host an international ‘3R trade and technology exhibition’, providing a platform for over 40 Indian and Japanese businesses and start-ups to showcase best practices, ideas and solutions that support circularity and 3R …
India to host 12th Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in
2025年2月24日 · The Forum will host an international ‘3R trade and technology exhibition’, providing a platform for over 40 Indian and Japanese businesses and start-ups to showcase best practices, ideas and solutions that support circularity and 3R …