本文件是由玩家自行翻译的D&D3版(3R与将会逐步收录的3e)扩展规则。 中文翻译版权归各翻译者所有,本文件只是对翻译资料作整理,并尽可能确保其排版一致和名称一致,以方便学习和查阅。
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom/Gameplay - Touhou Wiki
2025年1月31日 · There are 4 levels of difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Lunatic. Each difficulty level features differences in the number of bullets fired by each enemy, rate of fire, variations in the bullets' pattern of movement, and the number and type of enemy spell cards used. A character's "shot" is the player's primary method of attacking enemies.
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom/Gameplay/Strategy/Stage 3
2023年7月18日 · RB is a LoLK superplayer. Here's what he has to say about Doremy's nonspells. "...random, just find the least dense areas and dodge there, reminder this rule of thumb: one area's gap is another's wall (move to the left/right of the gap right after you dodged it to prepare yourself for the next wall)"
龙与地下城3R扩展规则大全 - dndlogs.com
本文件是由玩家自行翻译的D&D3版 (3R与将会逐步收录的3e)扩展规则。 中文翻译版权归各翻译者所有,本文件只是对翻译资料作整理,并尽可能确保其排版一致和名称一致,以方便学习和查 …
Fandom/Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom - Touhou Wiki
The ambiguous purplish stains on her mallet are implied to be mochi based on her official description, but the first image of Seiran was a photograph of her portrait on the LoLK demo disc, where they appeared red. As a result, artists assumed the stains were bloodstains and occasionally portray Seiran as a psychopath or yandere.
龙与地下城3R扩展规则大全 - dndlogs.com
[ToM] 魔法卷册:契约,暗影与真名的魔法
How to play LoLK? : r/touhou - Reddit
LoLK is a game where the main objective is saving 2 bombs for Pure Sign - [Pristine Danmaku Hell]. If you're inclined to bomb anything before stage 4, it means you're not trying hard enough. Also, graze aggressively to farm bombs (200 graze gives you a bomb piece regardless of your chapter performance).
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom/Characters | Touhou Wiki | Fandom
Their flawlessness rejected the life and death of living creatures. The Lunar Capital's Power Stone appeared before anyone knew it. It held a power that could throw Gensokyo's society into chaos. A metallic spider appeared over the Youkai Mountain. To her, it …
关于3R龙裔与5E龙裔的差异问题 - 百度贴吧
最近和朋友们讨论“龙之族裔”相关的设定问题,然后意识到5e的龙裔和3r的龙裔,描述差别之大几乎是两个物种了。 例如3R的龙裔是后天种族、没有生育能力,而5E的龙裔更像是一个普通的独立物种。
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