Vapor Deposition of Bilayer 3R MoS2 with Room‐Temperature ...
In this paper, for the first time, experimental observation of a room-temperature out-of-plane ferroelectric switch in semiconducting bilayer 3R MoS 2 synthesized by reverse-flow CVD is reported. Piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM) hysteretic loops and first principle calculations demonstrate that the ferroelectric nature and polarization ...
Advanced Materials |具有室温铁电性的双层 3R MoS2 的气相沉积
研究的创新性在于首次报道了 cvd 生长的双层 3r mos2 的室温铁电性。 通过多种技术如 STEM、SHG、SKPM、PFM 等对其进行全面表征,从实验和理论计算两方面阐述了其基于层间滑动的铁电机制,还展示了相关器件的性能。
Controlling interlayer excitons in MoS2 layers grown by
2020年5月13日 · One approach is to compare chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown MoS 2 bilayers with artificially stacked bilayers made from CVD monolayers with 2H (180° twist angle) and 3R (0° twist...
Pulsed Carrier Gas Assisted High-Quality Synthetic 3R-Phase …
2022年12月5日 · Here, we present a methodology to synthesize rhombohedral (3R)-phase MoS 2 in a well-defined sword-like geometry having lengths up to 120 μm, uniform width of 2–3 μm and thickness of 3–7 nm by controlling the carrier gas flow dynamics from continuous mode to pulsed mode during the CVD growth process.
Selective Growth and Robust Valley Polarization of Bilayer 3R-MoS2
2021年11月19日 · Noncentrosymmetric transition-metal dichalcogenides, particularly their 3 R polymorphs, provide a robust setting for valleytronics. Here, we report on the selective growth of monolayers and bilayers of MoS 2, which were acquired from two closely but differently oriented substrates in a chemical vapor deposition reactor.
Controlled epitaxial growth of strain-induced large-area bilayer MoS2 …
2024年8月1日 · Two-stage CVD method based on strain engineering achieves large-area, uniform bilayer MoS 2 nanostructures synthesis. Compressive strain during the first-stage growth of monolayer MoS 2 induces the the second layer formation. DFT calculations elucidate the strain modulation mechanism for bilayer MoS 2 growth.
Vapor Deposition of Bilayer 3R MoS2 with Room-Temperature ...
In this paper, for the first time, experimental observation of a room-temperature out-of-plane ferroelectric switch in semiconducting bilayer 3R MoS 2 synthesized by reverse-flow CVD is reported. Piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM) hysteretic loops and first principle calculations demonstrate that the ferroelectric nature and polarization ...
Electrically Switching Ferroelectric Order in 3R-MoS2 Layers
2025年1月14日 · In this paper, we demonstrate electrical switching of ferroelectric orders in bilayer, trilayer, and tetralayer 3R-MoS 2 by measuring their reflection and photoluminescence (PL) response under a sweeping out-of-plane electric field. We observe abrupt changes in the excitonic spectra at discrete critical fields, indicating phase transitions.
西北工业大学Jiang, Hanjun刚发表最新成果:室温铁电沉积双层3R MoS2 …
2024年6月3日 · 本研究首次通过反流cvd技术合成了半导体双层3r mos 2 ,并实验观察到室温下外平面铁电开关现象。 通过压电力显微镜(P 智能科学信息平台
Vapor Deposition of Bilayer 3R MoS2 with Room‐Temperature ...
2024年6月10日 · In this paper, for the first time, experimental observation of a room‐temperature out‐of‐plane ferroelectric switch in semiconducting bilayer 3R MoS2 synthesized by reverse‐flow CVD is ...