Quay quarter tower - world's first upcycled skyscraper - 3XN
Quay Quarter Tower is composed of five stacked and shifted volumes; the lower floors face the bustling Young Street and Harbour Bridge, and fan out eastwards as they climb to frame panoramic views onto the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Sydney Opera House.
Quay Quarter Tower / 3XN - ArchDaily
2023年7月10日 · The 206-metre, 49-storey tower is composed of five stacked and shifted volumes; the lower floors face the bustling Younge Street and Harbour Bridge, and skew eastwards as they climb to frame ...
2022年国际高层建筑奖获奖作品:悉尼Quay Quarter Tower / 3XN …
2022年11月9日 · 11月8日,国际高层建筑奖(International High-Rise Award)公布了今年的最终获奖者:由3XN设计的Quay Quarter Tower。 获奖作品通过再利用而不是拆除场地原有建筑,展示出一种可持续建筑的创新解决方案。 评审团成员、德国建筑博物馆(DAM)馆长Peter Cachola Schmal解释道: “该项目实现了一种双赢:它并未扩大原有建筑在街道上的视觉形象,而是在相同的占地面积上增加了可利用空间。 同时,它在建造过程中,最大限度地减少了碳排放。 —— …
3XN’s Quay Quarter Tower in Sydney Wins the International High …
2022年11月9日 · Completed in April 2022, the tower is an identity-generating part of the redevelopment of Sydney's central business district, the bay behind the famous opera house. The site was previously...
Quay Quarter Tower | 3XN | Archello
3XN’s Quay Quarter Tower has been named the World Building of the Year in the World Architecture Festival’s 2022 Awards in Lisbon. The project, located in Circular Quay in Sydney’s CBD, marks a milestone achievement – it is the most comprehensive transformation project ever completed, stripping back the existing AMP Centre at 50 Bridge ...
首个塔楼改造 Quay Quarter,‘嫁接’新楼板 / 3XN - ArchDaily
2023年7月12日 · 位于悉尼繁华的环形码头边缘,这座塔楼“升级”了现有的 AMP 中心塔楼。 原始的 AMP 中心建于1976年,已接近使用寿命的尽头。 然而,与其简单拆除并重新开始,项目团队决心实现一个雄心勃勃的目标:尽可能多地重用现有建筑,并为建筑的适应性再利用设定一个崇高的新标准。 如今,这个目标已经实现。 QQT保留了原始结构的65%(梁、柱和板),以及原始核心的95%,从而节省了730万千克的碳排放(相当于悉尼和墨尔本之间的35,000次航班)。 这 …
2022/23 年度国际高层建筑奖得主:悉尼大桥街 50 号大楼 / 3XN
2022年12月13日 · 丹麦建筑事务所 3XN 凭借位于澳大利亚悉尼的“大桥街50号”大楼( Quay Quarter Tower )赢得了第 10 届国际高层建筑奖,成为 2022/23 年度全球最具创新性的高层建筑。
旧摩天大楼的可持续性改造:3XN悉尼Quay Quarter Tower - 有方
2023年11月17日 · 这是3xn建造的第一座高层建筑,也是迄今为止世界上最大的高层建筑改造项目。 “该项目实现了一种双赢:它并未扩大原有建筑在街道上的视觉形象,而是在相同的占地面积上增加了可利用空间。
Quay Quarter Tower by 3XN - Architizer
Quay Quarter Tower (QQT), located close to Sydney Opera House, is a pioneering redevelopment project that redefines what is possible for tall buildings nearing the end of their commercial life.
3XN Architects - 有方
At 3XN, we believe that buildings are more than the sum of their parts and constantly seek to achieve a synthesis of design, function and context. Our buildings are uniquely matched to each project but always seek to combine beauty and meaning by putting people at the center of design.