3XN Architects
Discover GXN, the design-driven research studio that pioneers strategic sustainability within the construction industry. We are 3XN. We believe that architecture shapes behaviour. Learn …
3XN - ArchDaily
We believe that architecture shapes behavior. This informs all our work as we continue to explore ways for enriching the lives of people living and working. 3XN has 33 projects published in our...
3XN - 谷德设计网 - gooood
3XN | Archilife
이 책은 덴마크 건축사무소 3xn의 작품집이다. 책은 묵직하고 완성도 높게 마무리되어 있다. 과학과 예술, 상징적 디자인과 맥락적 디자인 사이에서 작업하는 3xn의 건축 작업을 25개의 완공작과 …
Architectural Projects of 3XN and their Impact on Cultural Spaces
2024年4月15日 · Some of 3XN's famous works include Copenhagen's whirlpool-shaped Blue Planet Aquarium and the energy-efficient UN City. Their latest projects like T3 Bayside in …
3XN在建方案:螺旋枢纽,Forskaren创新中心 – 有方
2024年7月18日 · Forskaren is 3XN's latest project in Stockholm, developed by real estate developer Vectura Fastigheter AB. The 24,000 m2 building contains flexible work …
灯塔大楼 / 3XN - ArchDaily
2024年10月29日 · ”——3XN 建筑事务所创始人兼创意总监金·赫福斯·尼尔森。 该项目位于城市最新的海滨社区中的显著位置。 设计团队通过将咖啡馆、水上运动空间和城市农业空间结合在 …
3XN Architects - 有方
At 3XN, we believe that buildings are more than the sum of their parts and constantly seek to achieve a synthesis of design, function and context. Our buildings are uniquely matched to …
3XN Architects - Profile on DesignWanted : DesignWanted
3XN studio was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986 by young architects Kim Herforth Nielsen, Lars Frank Nielsen, and Hans Peter Svendler Nielsen. The three quickly developed a …
Olympic House / 3XN + Itten+Brechbühl - ArchDaily
2019年7月2日 · 3XN’s central belief that architecture shapes behavior was a primary consideration while conceiving of the new IOC Headquarters. The transparency and flow of …