Fraction Calculator
Below are multiple fraction calculators capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simplification, and conversion between fractions and decimals. Fields above the solid black line represent the numerator, while fields below represent the denominator. = ? Use this calculator if the numerators or denominators are very big integers.
Scientific Calculator - Desmos
A beautiful, free online scientific calculator with advanced features for evaluating percentages, fractions, exponential functions, logarithms, trigonometry, statistics, and more.
Fraction calculator - HackMath
3 天之前 · Express your answer as a fraction in the simplest form. Ling is using fraction strips to add 2/3 and 7/12. The sum is one whole, plus how many twelfths? Cornell makes 11/12 of a gallon of soup. He eats equal portions of soup for 5 days, with no soup remaining after the 5th day. How many gallons of soup did Cornell eat each day?
Compare 4/9 and 5/8, Which fraction is greater?
Compare 4/9 and 5/8. 4 / 9 is smaller than 5 / 8. Steps for comparing fractions. Find the least common denominator or LCM of the two denominators: LCM of 9 and 8 is 72 Next, find the equivalent fraction of both fractional numbers with denominator 72; For the 1st fraction, since 9 × 8 = 72, 4 / 9 = 4 × 8 / 9 × 8 = 32 / 72
用4,5,8,9算24点,共有22种算法。 [9-﹙8-5﹚]×4 [﹙9-5﹚×4]+8 [﹙5-8﹚+9]×4 [5+﹙9-8﹚]×4 [4×﹙9-5﹚]+84× [﹙5-8﹚+9]4× [9-﹙8-5﹚]4× [﹙9.
4,6,8,9,10,12是什么数列? - 百度知道
2008年9月12日 · 简单说就是不是1,不是质素的正整数除去1以外,有的数除了1和它本身以外,不能再被别的整数整除,如2、3、5、7、11、13、17、...等,这种数称作素数(也称质数)。
8.找规律填数. 1/3、2/5、3/7、4/9、5/ (11)、6/ (13). 1/8 …
分析 (1)分子是1、2、3、4…这个数列是依次增加的自然数,分母是3、5、7、9…依次加2的自然数; (2)1/8×2=1/4,1/4×3=3/4,3/4×4=3…所以这个数列可以看成依次乘2、3、4、5…依次增加的自然数.
LCD Calculator - Least Common Denominator
2023年10月17日 · Find the least common denominator LCD of fractions, integers and mixed numbers. Calculator finds the math LCD of fractions and creates equivalent fractions with the LCD.
螺栓上的4.6、8.8、10.9是啥意思?螺纹规格为什么是6、8、10? …
强度等级所谓8.8级和10.9级是指螺栓的抗剪切应力等级为8.8GPa和10.9GPa。 8.8 公称抗拉强度800N/MM2,公称屈服强度640N/MM2。 一般的螺栓是用"X.Y"表示强度的,X*100=此螺栓的抗拉强度,X*100*(Y/10)=此螺栓的屈服强度(因为按标识规定:屈服强度/抗拉强度=Y/10)。
按规律填数(),(),5,4,9,6,13,8 - 百度知道
2016年10月5日 · 按规律填数(),(),5,4,9,6,13,81,2奇数项为公差为4的等差数列,偶数项为公差为2的等差数列
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