4 ABY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Han Solo is rescued from Jabba the Hutt. During the rescue, Leia Organa kills the Hutt crime lord aboard his own sail barge. [2] Having kept the promise he made to Master Yoda, Luke Skywalker returned to Dagobah to complete his Jedi training, but Yoda dies of old age before he could do so.
4 ABY | 星球大戰百科全書 | Fandom
4 ABY是雅汶战役结束后的第四年,同时也是洛索历的3281 LY。 汉·索罗被卢克·天行者和莱娅公主等人从赫特人贾巴处解救出来。 [1] 卢克遵守了他和尤达大师的约定,返回达戈巴星完成他的绝地训练,然而尤达在此之后不久便与世长辞。
4 ABY | Legacy Wiki | Fandom
Luke Skywalker returns to Dagobah to complete his Jedi training, but Yoda dies of old age before he could do so. Before dying, Yoda tells Skywalker that he must confront Darth Vader to become a Jedi Knight. Gallius Rax is promoted to the rank of admiral.
《星战》系列时间线 - 知乎
时间线最早的一部电影是 《星战前传1:幽灵的威胁》(1999),发生在《星战4》的32年前,即-32 BBY。 如果你觉得-32 BBY不好理解的话,可以把它理解为公元前32年。 《星战前传2: 克隆人的进攻》(2002),发生在《星战前传1》的10年后,即-22 BBY。 《星战:克隆战争》电影(2008),同样是-22 BBY。 《星战:克隆人战争》剧集1~7季(2008~2020),-22 BBY ~ -19 BBY。 《星战前传3:西斯的复仇》(2005),-19 BBY。 《星战: 异等小队》剧 …
4 ABY - Star Wars One Canon
The following events took place in the year 4 ABY. Other calendars: 7981 C.R.C. (Coruscant reckoning calendar), 39:3–40:2 GrS (Great ReSynchronization)
4 ABY - Alternative Star Wars Saga
The year 4 after the Battle of Yavin (BBY) was a period of time in the galaxy that saw the fall of the Galactic Empire and the establishment of the New Republic, marking the end of the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance.
4 ABY | Starwarsregen Wiki | Fandom
4 ABY is a pivotal year in the Star Wars timeline, marking significant events in the Galactic Civil War and the fall of the Galactic Empire. It is the year in which the Battle of Endor takes place, resulting in the destruction of the second Death Star and …
4 ABY | Star Wars Mush Wiki | Fandom
In the absence of leadership, Warlord Tagger claims the Empire as his own. He steps down after a lengthy rule, turning things over to Warlord Dobbs. HIMS Animosity, later to be renamed Audacity, is launched from the Fondor...
4 ABY | Restore and Save Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
The Battle of Endor results in the death of Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader Fragmentation of the Galactic Empire Destruction of the Sith Order Restoration of the ...
4 ABY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
"We, the Beings of the galaxy, in order to form a free union of planets, establish justice, provide for common peace and prosperity, and to secure liberty for all being, do ordain and establish this New Republic. Let the stars sing! Let the planets shout! Let the Republic begin!" ―Excerpt from the Declaration of a New Republic [11]