Fo, Fo, Fo: Moses Malone & the 76ers Sweep the Lakers in the …
2016年5月31日 · "Fo fo' fo" said a confident Moses Malone when giving his prediction on how the 76ers would do in the playoffs after going a league best 65-17 in the regular season.
马龙生涯传奇:第一位高中生 “FOFOFO”响彻历史 - 网易
2015年9月13日 · 季后赛开始前,马龙喊出了口号“FO FO FO! ”(FO即four,即4场解决对手)季后赛一共3轮,76人首轮4-0横扫尼克斯,东部决赛4-1击败雄鹿,总决赛又以4-0干净利落地横扫湖人出局,季后赛几乎全胜的表现当之无愧地拿到最后的金杯,而摩西-马龙的“FO FO FO”也成为NBA永远的佳话。 比较可惜的是,由于极度厌恶媒体,摩西-马龙和所有媒体交恶,这让他在媒体圈的口碑并不像他最终的成就那么出色。 这也给他带来了“孤独勇士”的称号。 然而20个赛季 …
Moses Malone’s Mission: ‘FO FO FO FO’ - YouTube
NBA Entertainment presents a look back at one of the most under discussed NBA big men of all-time. Moses Malone, though a career journey man, superstar, will...
36 - Moses 'Fo, Fo, Fo' - YouTube
2016年6月26日 · NBA 60 Greatest Playoff MomentsBefore playoffs began, Moses Malone promised that the team would go "Fo', fo', fo' " (as in four games sweep in all three play...
"Fo, Fo, Fo" After the 82-83 NBA regular season had ended, Malone was asked to give his prediction about how would the first seeded 76ers do in the postseason. Malone mumbled a simple ' fo, fo, fo' - as in “we are going to sweep our way towards the NBA championship .”
1983 NBA Finals - Wikipedia
Prior to the playoffs, Malone predicted the team would win in four games in each of the three rounds, ending it with the statement Fo, Fo, Fo. The 76ers would steamroll through the playoffs, sweeping the New York Knicks 4–0 in the conference semifinals, before overcoming the Milwaukee Bucks in five games.
'Fo' Fo' Fo': 76ers' Moses Malone makes playoff prediction on …
2021年5月31日 · After posting the best record in the NBA, Moses Malone predicted on this day in 1983 that the Philadephia 76ers would sweep their way to the championship when he declared "Fo' Fo' Fo'" prior...
Urban Dictionary: fo fo
2004年2月3日 · My fo' fo makes sure all your kids don't grow. Get the fo fo mug. "Fours" is the name used to refer to a certain type of rim (hubcap), made of wire, in 1984 (where the "four" comes from). They have a fairly distinctive shape, sticking out from the wheel. The rims are now extremely expensive and rare, having been discontinued.
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