Communications & Public Speaking | Tennessee 4-H Youth …
The 4-H Communication/PublicSpeaking project will help you learn to express yourself in a variety of ways, from speeches to written communication.
2020年3月4日 · 4th Grade Standards: ELA-W.1a: Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose. ELA-W.1b: Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. ELA-W.1d: Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinions presented.
4-H communication judges play a key role in encouraging and motivating members to develop their communication skills. What are judges to look for? Judges should use this fact sheet to evaluate how the speech was developed and delivered. The 4-H motto “Learn To Do y Doing” is the basis of the 4-H communications program. Through
you ever had to make a speech in your classroom? Would you like to learn the skills and gain the confidence to be an outstanding public speaker? Then you should participate in the Kentucky 4-H Communications Program! 4-H members can learn how to prepare and present a speech on any topic they feel passionate about. What is a speech? A speech or ...
Public Speaking...4-H Style A s a 4-H member, you will have many opportunities to make speeches. These chal-lenging occasions will help you to develop communication skills you will use throughout your life. Effective speakers are not …
2021年1月4日 · speech. Organization: The purpose of your speech should be to communicate your ideas to your audience. To do this, your speech must be organized so that people can understand what you are telling them. A speech has three …
There are four major types: informative, persuasive, motivational and entertaining. Poise and confidence in your ability to present your ideas. skills is to give one, and you’ll get better the more you give. Start with something simple, perhaps among friends at a 4-H Club meeting.
Then you should participate in the Kentucky 4-H Communications Program! 4-H members can learn how to prepare and present a speech on any topic they feel passionate about. What is a speech? A speech or talk is 3 to 5 minutes long for junior 4-H members (9-13 years old) and 5 to 7 minutes for senior 4-H members (14-18 years old). No visual aids ...
2020年5月4日 · Through 4‐H, young people become superheroes every day. They learn how to make a difference, they put those skills to work, and they teach others all along the way.
You may write your speech for a certain audience such as your 4-H club, the PTA, or the County Commissioners. Time Limit: Juniors = 3-5 minutes; Intermediates and Seniors = 4-6 minutes
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