Container Specifications - FCL Cargo
Container Type: Interior Dimensions: Cubic Capacity: Max. Pay Load: Images: 20 Foot (Dry Cargo) L: 5.932m W: 2.350m H: 2.410m: 33.6 CBM 1166 Cu Ft: 18600Kg: 40 Foot
40-foot Container - Dimensions, Measurements and Weight
40-foot containers are used in both FCL and LCL. In FCL, a shipper has exclusive use of the 40-foot shipping container, allowing them to rent it to transport larger and more voluminous cargo. Since the rate covers the entire container, this can be more cost-effective as long as the space inside the container is maximized.
Full Container Load (FCL) Guide - Freight Filter
40 foot: 40’ long x 8’ wide x 8 ½’ high external (c. 12.2m x 2.4m x 2.6m) Increasingly used by bulk shippers is the Hi-Cube 40 foot, which has a 9 ½’ height. There are also refrigerated containers, which can be broader at 2.6m width.
1XHQ40FCL 在国际贸易中是什么意思? - 百度知道
2012年12月30日 · 1XHQ40FCL 在国际贸易中的意思是:1个40‘的高箱整箱装运。
关于海运中整箱运输的定义与价格 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
FCL 描述了足以装满 20' 或 40' 集装箱的货物的海运。 与 LCL - 少于集装 箱装载量 - 货物与其他货物共享集装箱空间不同,FCL 货物使用整个集装箱。 这意味着集装箱在工厂被装载和密封,并在到达目的地仓库时被卸载。 FCL 代表什么? FCL 代表整箱装载。 寻找经过审查的供应商的实时报价? 整箱货件无需与其他货件一起装卸,节省运输时间。 在工厂密封容器意味着更少的处理和更少的损坏机会。 LCL 的单位价格很高,因此对于较大的货物,支付 FCL 固定费用可以节省资金 …
FCL Shipping: Definition, Containers, Prices & More | Freightos
2021年10月16日 · FCL describes sea shipping for cargo loads large enough to fill a 20’ or 40’ shipping container. Unlike LCL – less than a container load – where shipments share container space with other goods, FCL shipments use the entire container.
FCL与FT区别 - 百度知道
2011年6月17日 · FCL 整箱货 不管是什么箱型的 只要是一个箱子里面只有一票货 就是FCL FT 指的是箱型 通常有 20'ft 40'ft 指的都是普柜 20GP 40GP 还有 40hc 指的就是 40HQ 了
FCL - Full Container Load Shipping | iContainers
The weight and volume limits for FCL will depend on the type of container used. A 20-foot container can handle up to 28 metric tons and 33 cubic meters, while a 40-foot container can carry up to 30 metric tons and 67 cubic meters.
40-Foot Container - Dimensions, Volumes & More - Shipa Freight
2022年3月17日 · A 40-foot container’s empty weight is 3,750kg and can be loaded to a maximum overall weight of 29 tons (26,300kg). But the amount of cargo you can load would depend in large on possible restrictions and/or limitations of the shipping line, the nature of the cargo, and specific details of the shipment.
FCL Shipping: Definition, FCL Shipping Rates, Benefits, and
FCL stands for Full Container Load. The cargo loads that fill a full 20ft/40ft container transported via sea can be referred to as FCL shipments. In FCL shipping, an entire shipping container will be exclusively used to hold cargo for one shipper or one consignee. FCL consignments will not share container space with other shipments. 2.