How Loud is 40 dBA? - Tom's Hardware Forum
2012年6月16日 · So 40 dBA is twice as loud as 37 dBA and 4 times as load as 34 dBA I'd suggest the 612 (9 - 36 dBA) and a ...
How many times louder is an 80 dB sound compared to a 40 dB
2024年5月24日 · 80 dB is 10 times louder than 70 dB, and 70 dB is 10 times louder than 60 dB, and so on. Therefore, 80 dB is 1000 times louder than 40 dB. How many times louder is an air raid siren than a lorry?
[SOLVED] How loud (in dB) should my PC's fans be?
2019年4月6日 · Mouse | Corsair - M65 PRO RGB FPS Wired Optical Mouse | $70.40 @ Newegg Australia Headphones | Corsair - HS60 Surround (Black) 7.1 Channel Headset | $78.44 @ Amazon Australia | Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | | Total | $2311.92 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-07 23:10 AEST+1000 |
[SOLVED] How many decibels does your computer make? - Tom's …
2021年6月9日 · That's the difference between db and db(A). Your perception is squewed. The phone is measuring actual noise levels, but what your ears actually hear is frequency levels. You can have a speaker at a certain db level, add an identical speaker and it only raises the level by 3db, but to your ears it's much louder.
[SOLVED] - Tom's Hardware Forum
2017年1月25日 · Thanks for your reply man, the google search was originally why I asked this question because I did not know how 90db was relative to the number values on the sound bar. One thing I'm still confused about, is; A vacuum cleaner is 70 db. From what I understand 70 db isn't enough to do permanent hearing damage as long as its kept within a time limit.
2 Fans with same Noise Level, more noise - Tom's Hardware Forum
2002年8月9日 · 0 dB Threshold of hearing for healthy youths 10 dB Quiet recording studio 20 dB Quiet living room 30 dB Quiet office 40 dB Quiet conversation 50 dB average office noise 60 dB Conversational speech from 1 ft. 65 dB Busy Street 75 dB Average factory 80 dB Typical stereo listening volume 100 dB Subway 110 dB Power Tools 135 dB Threshold of pain
How do you converts ohms to dB? - Answers
2022年4月28日 · You must find a resistance value for 0 dB as reference. If 1 Ohm = 0 dB then 10 ohms = 20 dB and 100 ohms = 40 dB.
[SOLVED] - Both GPU and CPU are overheating in brand new Asus …
2020年11月23日 · I measured the decibels of the fans working at full power as well - 1 meter distance: 40-50 dB and very close: around 60 dB depending on whether the fan was about to take off or not. I used MSI afterburner, CoreTemp and Overwatch's built-in stats to measure the temperature, for the dB used an app on my phone.
Which level of mic boost should I use? | Tom's Hardware Forum
2015年1月30日 · Hi, I just bought a headset (Sades SA-708), to use for gaming, Skype, and some commentary, and I'm having a bit of an issue. The mic seems too quiet with no mic boost, and still quiet-ish with 10db. But at 20-30, it doesn't sound as good. This may just be me though, so I did a test (SoundCloud...
Send me the conversion for Kilo HZ to DB? - Answers
Send me the reference value (0 dB) for frequency. Wiki User. ∙ 14y ago. This answer is: