RPG-7 - Wikipedia
It is 40–105 mm (1.6–4.1 in) in diameter and weighs between 2 kg (4.4 lb) [7] and 4.5 kg (9.9 lb). It is launched by a gunpowder booster charge, giving it an initial speed of 115 m/s (380 ft/s), and creating a cloud of light grey-blue smoke that can give away the position of the shooter. [8] .
40 mm Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher RPG-7 – Arcon partners ltd
40 mm Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher RPG-7. MAKE AN INQUIRY. BACK TO WEAPONS. TACTICAL AND TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Caliber, (mm): 40 Ammunition type: PG-7VM, OG-7V, OFG-7V, PG-7VT, GTV-7VS Length, (mm): …
苏联RPG-7式40毫米火箭筒 - 火器百科
PG-7VR式40mm火箭筒 1992年10月6~10日,在希腊雅典举行的第七届防御武器博览会上,还展出了供РПГ-7В用的两种新型弹药:一种是攻坚爆破榴弹;另一种是弹径为85mm的串联战斗部火箭增程破甲弹,质量4.5kg,RPG-7的定时自毁设置为4.5秒,因此其最大射程为920米-1000米。
RPG-7 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
Caliber: 40mm (tube diameter, original HEAT warheads were 85mm) (varying diameter over-caliber rockets) Rockets: PG-7VM, PG-7VL, PG-7VR, TBG-7V, OG-7V. Capacity: 1 rocket. Fire Modes: Single-shot muzzle-loading: action is a single-action only revolver-style assembly with the hammer at the back of the front grip striking upwards.
40mm OG-7V HE-FRAG Grenade ARFG-7V - Arcus JSC.
The 40 mm Round ARAFG-7V HE-FRAG grenades provide High-Explosive and Fragmentation effects against enemy troops in open terrain or in light shelters at distance up to 1000 meters.
40mm Round GTB-7VM Thermobaric Round for RPG-7V
40mm Round GTB-7VMThermobaric Round for RPG-7V The round GTB-7VM is intended for destroying enemy troops in the open and in shelters, enemy emplacements, stone, concrete and brick fortifications, light armoured vehicles and automobiles.
40 mm OGi-7MA - Arsenal JSCo. - Bulgarian manufacturer of …
40 mm Round improved Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Round OGi-7MA. NSN:1310-50-001-4071. and within urban areas. Performance: Point-detonating fuzes AF76 and AF72 with super-quick and graze (anti-ricochet)function, independent of impact angle. All 40 mm ARSENAL ATGL-L Family and Russian RPG-7V Light Anti-Tank Grenade Launchers.
40 mm PG-7V Round with High-Explosive Anti-tank - Arcon …
40 mm PG-7V Round with High-Explosive Anti-tank Grenade PG-7 (HEAT) For 40 mm Hand Grenade Launcher RPG-7V
40mm grenade launcher RPG-7 - en.aresmaxima.com
40mm RPG-7 grenade launcher for firing PG-7VM, OG-7V, OFG-7V, PG-7VT & GTV-7VS grenades – effective range of 200/500 meters (depending on the grenade and the target engaged), penetration of 200mm (PG-7V HEAT) to 750mm (PG-7VR HEAT – without ERA) – propelled at 115/300 m/s for a rate of fire of up to 04 rounds/minute.
[现代军品] 40火的眼睛——1969年式40mm火箭筒瞄准镜测评
2018年3月13日 · 由于一个偶然的机会,我在某购物(tao)网站(bao)上获得了一只40火的瞄准镜。 接下来抄一段百度百科: 1969年6月,北京科学仪器厂组建69式新40火箭筒光学瞄准镜生产线,并试制出样品,次年5月通过鉴定。 其设计能力为月产500具。 普通瞄准镜只有直瞄功能,用于破甲弹,放大倍率2.7倍,视场13°,作用距离50-500米,重量0.9千克,瞄准具有温度修正,有测距、测速、横风修正功能,比较机械瞄准具提高了射击精度,修正落弹点偏差。 通用光学瞄 …