HSM 405 harvester range
The HSM 405H harvester is available as an 8-wheeler machine in various H2, H3 and H4 versions. When the product was launched on the market a few years ago, HSM committed itself to offering high quality products in the range of harvester machines as well.
HSM 405H2 8WD - HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH - HSM …
Whether it is the L220 crane from Loglift with 10m reach, 175 kN pulling force, 700/50 26.5 tyres or the 172 kW common rail diesel engine from Iveco, HSM combines high performance with the highest level of quality and impressive offroad capability in the 405H2.
Harvesterlinie HSM 405
Harvesterlinie HSM 405. Den Harvester HSM 405H gibt es als 8-Rad Version in den verschiedenen Ausführungen H2, H3 und H4. Mit der Markteinführung vor einigen Jahren hat HSM den Schritt bestritten, auch im Harvesterbereich hochwertige Produkte anzubieten. Zum heutigen Stand, mit vollem Erfolg.
轮胎式伐木采伐机 HSM 405 H3 8WD
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供轮胎式伐木采伐机产品详细信息。规格型号:HSM 405 H3 8WD,公司品牌:HSM - Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. K。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。
HSM 405 H2 8WD specs and technical data - Detailed specifications
All data and technical specs of HSM 405 H2 8WD Forest Machinery, engine, Dimensions and specifications
Rubber-tired forestry harvester HSM 405 H3 8WD - DirectIndustry
Pure strength and stability for mechanised harvesting of thick trunk timber is what characterises the HSM 405H3. Here are the basic technical details of our power pack: engine 260kW / 1560Nm - hydraulics 536l/min at 1600rpm - steering angle 52° - Loglift L280 V110 crane with 280kNm lift torque - 195kNm pulling force.
• HSM Ecommand colour-display • 5 operator programs + factory setting • Diagnosis-tool and error-indication • Graphic support at parameter editing • Generator 110 A (28 A) • 2 service-free dry batteries á 75 Ah • from 26200 kg • 2 hydraulic cylinders • Mesera M280 V110 Range: 11 m Gross lifting moment: 280 kNm
HSM 405 H2 Steep Slope Harvester - Forestry Equipment Sales
2013 HSM 405H2 Steep Slope Harvester. This machine has approx. 5,000 hours, engine and the crane replaced at 4,000 hours, IVECO engine 6.7L, NAF balanced portal tandem axles, 100% selectable differential lock, machine has steep slope winch mounted on unit.
HSM 405 H1 8WD - HSM - Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau …
Consult HSM - Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. K's HSM 405 H1 8WD brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/2
Rubber-tired forestry harvester - 405 H3 8WD - HSM Hohenloher …
Thick trunk timber harvesting? Look no further than the HSM 405H3. Development of the H3 had the aim of providing a harvester that is flexible and stable yet still agile. All technical components must be configured to ensure that high energy reserves are available for forest thinning operations with thick trunk timber or end use.
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