Warhammer 40,000
Assemble and Add Some Colour. Building and painting is one of the most rewarding parts of the Warhammer hobby. Whether you're crafting a regular human soldier, a towering daemon, or a colossal mechanical construct, your skills will grow with …
Warhammer 40,000 Homepage
Zusammenbauen und Bemalen. Der Zusammenbau und die Bemalung sind zwei der erfüllendsten Aspekte des Warhammer-Hobbys. Egal, ob du normale menschliche Soldaten, turmhohe Dämonen oder ein gewaltiges mechanisches Konstrukt baust, werden deine Fähigkeiten mit der Zeit und der Übung wachsen, während du deine Miniaturen zum Leben …
Getting Started - Warhammer 40,000
Great For: Taking a first, comprehensive step into the Warhammer hobby to experience building, painting, and playing Warhammer 40,000.
Warhammer 40,000 Homepage
まだ見たこともないウォーハンマーの世界へ. Warhammer TVはウォーハンマーの世界を舞台としたアクション満載のアニメや、スリル溢れるバトルレポート、伝承の調査、ペイント解説などたくさんのコンテンツを君の家で観ることができる!
The Setting - Warhammer 40,000
The opening of the Great Rift that rent the galaxy in two was preceded by an era of dark portents and momentous events. Seers and mystics went mad with fear – they raved about an unstoppable confluence of nightmares, of black storm clouds gathering to …
Warhammer 40,000 Homepage
Assemblez et Ajoutez un Peu de Couleur. L'assemblage et la peinture font partie des éléments les plus gratifiants du hobby Warhammer. Que vous confectionniez un soldat humain normal, un immense démon ou une construction mécanique colossale, vos talents grandiront avec la pratique tandis que vous donnez vie à vos figurines.
WARHAMMER 40,000 CORE RULES Warhammer 40,000 puts you in command of an army of mighty warriors and war machines as you battle for supremacy in the grim darkness of the far future.
Warhammer 40,000 Homepage
Crea tu colección. Cada colección Warhammer es tan única como su coleccionista. La elección es toda tuya, tú montas tu colección. Tanto si quieres recrear una historia épica porque las miniaturas son espectaculares como si crees que te lo pasarás bien pintándolas o …
The Armies - Warhammer 40,000
Astra Militarum. The Astra Militarum are a blunt instrument of violence, wrought on a galactic scale. Massed infantry and rumbling tanks serve as both a living shield for the Emperor’s realm, and an unstoppable sledgehammer with which to crush its foes.
Getting Started v2 - Warhammer 40,000
Getting Started. It couldn't be easier to get into Warhammer 40,000. Explore our range of different starter sets and find the perfect one for you!