PSRL-1 - Wikipedia
The Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher-1 also known as the (PSRL-1) is a modified American copy of the Soviet/Russian RPG-7 shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade launcher developed by AirTronic USA.
AirTronic PSRL-1 (RPG-7USA) - Military Factory
2021年5月7日 · The 40mm is billed as an "Americanized" version of the storied weapon, available in 40mm caliber, and weighs 14lbs with a length of 950mm. The product is marketed as compatible/backwards compatible with all existing RPG-7 rocket projectiles.
有效射程達800公尺的RPG:PSRL-1 【AUSA 2017】
苏联/俄罗斯RPG-7火箭筒及弹药简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
美国 AirTronic 公司在PSRL-1基础上改进的型号 PSRL-2 (GS-777),使用了轻量化的材料,发射管重量仅为3.5 kg,几乎是原来的一半,寿命提高至1000发。 PSRL-1已装备秘鲁军队。
2019年5月15日 · PSRL-1重6.35千克,与原版型号RPG-7V2火箭筒相比重量稍轻,在射击性能上,PSRL-1有效射程超过800米,口径与RPG-7一样,都是40mm口径,因此可以完全兼容RPG-7所使用的每一种弹药。 与RPG-7明显的差别是PSRL-1上面安装了北约标准“鱼骨”滑道(MIL-STD-1913),可以加装各种战术配件,包括双脚架、垂直握把、机械瞄具以及各种光学瞄具等。 俄罗斯消息人士称,虽然外型、功能类似,但是美国山寨仿品在制造时没有按照严格的规范流程操 …
FEAR-PSRL Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher - Garaysar
FEAR-PSRL Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher. Redesigned and Completely USA Manufactured Version of the World’s Most Widely Used Anti-Tank Weapon, the RPG-7, the PSRL Offers Machined, Not Cast, Tubing Made from 4140/4150 Ordnance Grade Steel. System Offers Ergonomic Upgrades that users of the M-16/M-4 Rifles are familiar with.
Airtronic PSRL-1 | Theregiment Wiki | Fandom
The PSRL-1 is a rocket-propelled grenade launcher developed by Airtronic. It is a modernized version of the RPG-7 series.
RPG党的福音 美国山寨版PSRL-1火箭筒再进化,加装M4步枪的伸 …
从1969年定型至今,69式40毫米单兵反坦克火箭筒及其配套的各种弹药,一直是我军步兵班/排的主力反坦克武器。 随着近年来我军装备水平的提升,69式40毫米单兵反坦克火箭筒及其配套弹药,正在退出我军装备序列,但在军贸领域,它们仍以旺盛的生命力在书写着传奇。 中国虽然是世界上最早将火箭投入战场的国家,但在近代火箭发展中却没有任何建树,直到二战中,才通过美国军援获得了M1式和M9式两种60毫米反坦克火箭筒。 美式火箭筒的出现,解决了长期以来中国军 …
AirTronic PSRL-1: The modern American made RPG-7
2019年12月7日 · The AirTronic 'Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher' (PSRL) is an American made RPG-7 that has been modernized. It is currently adopted by the Philippine Army and Peruvian Army, as well as reportedly being used by Ukrainian forces and U.S. Special Operations Command.
AirTronic PSRL-1 (RPG-7USA): Photos, History, Specification
The product debuted in 2009 as the RPG-7USA, also known as the PSRL-1 ("Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher 1"). The 40mm is an "Americanized" version of the famous gun, available in 40mm caliber, weighing 14lbs and 950mm long. This product is sold as compatible/backward compatible with all existing RPG-7 missile projectiles.