奇妙的化学元素 | 超导材料之星--铌 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
铌(Niobium),是一种过渡金属元素,化学符号Nb,原子序数为41,相对原子质量92.9。位于元素周期表第五周期,VB族。呈体心立方结构。 自然产生的铌由一种稳定同位素组成:93Nb。截至2003年,已合成的放射性同位素共有至少32种,原子量在81和113之间。
Group 5 element - Wikipedia
Group 5 contains vanadium (V), niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta) and dubnium (Db). [1] This group lies in the d-block of the periodic table. This group is sometimes called the vanadium group or vanadium family after its lightest member; however, the group itself has not acquired a trivial name because it belongs to the broader grouping of the ...
Grain Size Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Nb, V–Nb
2021年3月16日 · In the presented study three microalloying systems with minor additions were tested, two without any titanium addition, to evaluate grain size evolution and mechanical properties with pre-defined as-cast, hot forging, hot rolling, and off-line heat-treatment strategy to meet demands for S1100QL steel.
元素周期表所有读音怎么读 - 百度知道
第 23 号元素: 钒 [化学符号]V, 读fán. ... 第 41 号元素: 铌 [化学符号]Nb, 读ní. 第 42 号元素: 钼 [化学符号]Mo, 读mù ... Cu铜tóng Zn锌xīn Ga镓jiā Ge锗zhě As砷shēn Se硒xī Br溴xiù Kr氪kè Rb铷rú Sr锶sī Y钇yǐ Zr锆gào Nb铌ní Mo钼mù Tc锝dé Ru钌liǎo Rh铑lǎo Pd钯bǎ Ag银yín Cd镉gé In ...
Niobium - Wikipedia
Niobium is a chemical element; it has symbol Nb (formerly columbium, Cb) and atomic number 41. It is a light grey, crystalline, and ductile transition metal. Pure niobium has a Mohs hardness rating similar to pure titanium, [8] and it has similar ductility to iron.
Highly efficient XCoSi (X=V, Nb, Ta) compounds for ... - Springer
2025年1月3日 · This study unveils the physical characteristics of half-Heusler compounds XCoSi (X = V, Nb, Ta) as potential materials for thermoelectric using the Quantum ESPRESSO and PHONOPY codes with PBEsol-GGA correlation functional.
New β-type Ti-Zr-V-Nb alloys used for laser-based direct energy ...
2022年7月1日 · In this research, new Ti-Zr-V-Nb alloys were designed from a basic Ti 60.94 Zr 39.06 congruent composition alloyed with constant V content and varying Nb contents, and then fabricated by L-DED technology on pure titanium substrates. Systematic investigations on microstructure and properties of the as-fabricated alloys were carried out.
化学符号Nb,原子序数41, 原子量 92.90638,属周期系ⅤB族。 1801年英国查尔斯·哈切特(Charles·Hatchett)在研究伦敦大英博物馆中收藏的 铌铁矿 中分离出一种新元素的氧化物,并命名该元素为columbium(中译名钶)。
Computational discovery of ultra-strong, stable, and lightweight ...
2023年5月29日 · To assess these factors further, four alloys were selected for closer study: Cr 42 Mo 36 Nb 22 (the strongest alloy, 11% overpredicted), Cr 42 Mo 46 Ti 12 (an overall high-performing...
Machine learning-assisted design of Ti–V–Nb–Mo ... - ScienceDirect
2025年1月1日 · In this study, a ML model was developed to predict ductility-the specific yield strength of Ti–V–Nb–Mo RHEAs. A total of 242 sets of related performance databases of Ti–V–Nb–Mo non-equiatomic RHEAs were collated through the application of first principles calculation and molecular dynamics (MD) method.