India IS 3930 42Cr4Mo2 / 42Cr4Mo2 Datasheet, chemical …
This page cover the 42Cr4Mo2/42Cr4Mo2 Chemical element, Mechanical Properties, 42Cr4Mo2 Datasheet, Cross Reference of 42Cr4Mo2 Mainly used for Flame and induction hardening steels.
42CrMo4 / 1.7225 - SteelNumber - Chemical composition, …
Hardenability: Medium-good hardenability, suitable for hot purposes till a temperature of 500 C. It can be hardened in oil. Equivalent grades of steel 42CrMo4 (1.7225) Warning! Only for reference.
Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
42CrMo Steel Equivalent, Chemical Composition, Mechanical …
42CrMo steel is a Chinese alloy steel, and has high strength and toughness, good hardenability, and no obvious temper brittleness. After quenching and tempering treatment, it has high fatigue limit and resistance to multiple impacts, and good low temperature impact toughness.
42Cr4Mo2 (IS): Properties, Composition, and Best Uses - Total …
Find in-depth details on 42Cr4Mo2 in IS: exact chemical makeup, physical and thermal properties, strength ratings, and ideal applications. Total Materia equips you with clear, specific data for engineering and manufacturing decisions.
42CrMo4钢材相当于国内什么牌号? - 知乎
42CrMo4用于制造要求较35CrMo钢强度更高和调质截面更大的锻件,如机车牵引用的大齿轮、增压器传动齿轮、后轴、受载荷极大的连杆及弹簧夹,42CrMo4也可用于2000m以下石油深井钻杆接头与打捞工具等。 特性:42CrMo4强度、淬透性高,韧性好,淬火时变形小,高温时有高的蠕变强度和持久强度。 42CrMo4钢是美国AISI标准4140钢改良品种。 该钢可加工性良好,易抛光,易咬花,可电镀. 42crmo4是一种工业材料。 执行标准:EN 10083/3-2006:42CrMo4强度、淬透性 …
This page is mainly introduced the 42CrMo Datasheet, including chemical information,mechanical properties, physical properties, mechanical properties, heat treatment, and Micro structure, …
42CrMo vs 4140 vs 42CrMo4 (EN 1.7225) Steel - World Material
The following tables show 42crmo vs 4140 vs 42CrMo4 (1.7225) steel, they are similar in chemical composition and mechanical properties and are all belong to alloy steels.
42CrMo - GB /T 3077-2015 - 材数库
42CrMo钢材料能够在538°C (1000°F)高温下抵抗蠕变,即使在相对较高的工作温度下长时间暴露也能保持其性能. 42CrMo钢材料具有良好的切削性能。 适用于钻孔、锯切、拉削、攻丝、铣削等各种加工。 但42CrMo钢材料不易焊接。 42CrMo钢不建议在淬火回火 (QT)状态下焊接。 因为它会改变42CrMo钢焊接热影响区内的力学性能。 在退火条件下,42CrMo钢材允许焊接。 但是,如果需要在淬火回火状态下焊接42CrMo钢,则必须立即冷却工件,并在低于原始回火温度15℃的条 …
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