42CrMo4 / 1.7225 - SteelNumber - Chemical composition, …
Weldability: Bad weldability due to the high crack danger. Hardenability: Medium-good hardenability, suitable for hot purposes till a temperature of 500 C. It can be hardened in oil. Equivalent grades of steel 42CrMo4 (1.7225) Warning! Only for reference.
42CrMo4 - 百度百科
42CrMo4钢是美国AISI标准4140钢 改良品种。 该钢 可加工性 良好,易抛光,易咬花,可电镀。 热处理规范:淬火850℃,油冷;回火560℃,水冷、油冷。 金相组织: 回火索氏体。 退火 annealing No.1 760±10℃退火,炉冷至400℃ 空冷。 正火 normalize No.4 860±10℃正火,出炉空冷。 调质 quenching+tempering No.5 840±10℃淬水或油(视产品型状复杂程度),680-700度回火。 HB<217. 调质quenching+tempering No.6 840±10℃淬油,再470度 回火处理。 HRC41-45. 调 …
1.7225 Material 42CrMo4 +QT Steel Chemical Composition, …
42CrMo4 material (1.7225 steel) is an European standard alloy steel, the delivery condition of this steel is mostly tempered and quenched, it has high strength, high toughness, good hardenability, temper brittleness, high fatigue limit, good impact resistance after quenching and tempering, and good low temperature impact toughness.
ly used in automotive and vehicle construction. High strength combined with high toughness allows for use in highly stressed components such as transmissi. n shafts, gears, tooling, and expansion screws. Additionally, this steel can be used universally in mechanical engineering in both quenched and . hness, straightness, and residual stress st.
42CrMo4 - EN ISO 683-2-2018 - 材数库
牌号 42CrMo4: 对应标准: EN ISO 683-2-2018 热处理钢、合金钢和易切削钢 -- 第2部分:淬火和回火合金钢
42CrMo钢材 - 百度百科
42CrMo钢材属于 超高强度钢,具有高强度和韧性, 淬透性 也较好,无明显的 回火脆性,调质处理后有较高的 疲劳极限 和抗多次冲击能力,低温 冲击韧性 良好。 42CrMo钢材适宜制造要求一定强度和韧性的大、中型 塑料模具。 为提高 模具寿命 达到80万模次以上,可对预 硬钢 实施淬火加 低温回火 的加硬方式来实现。 淬火时先在500-600℃预热2-4小时,然后在850-880℃保温一定时间(至少2小时),放入油中冷却至50-100℃出油 空冷,淬火后硬度可达50-52 HRC,为防止开 …
BS EN 42CrMo4 | 1.7225 Alloy Engineering Steel - Otai Special Steel
BS EN 42CrMo4 Alloy Steel is a common chromium-molybdenum steel that usually used after quenched and tempered, with high intensity, high hardenability. BS EN 42CrMo4 round steel has better performance than 34CrMo4 steel due to the carbon and chromium content is higher. 42CrMo4 alloy steel has higher strength and hardenability.
42CrMo4 - Ovako
42CrMo4 is a steel for quenching and tempering, which has a good combination of strength and toughness in the quenched and tempered condition. After the oil quenching, the steel will be through hardened up to ø60 mm bar diameter. The microstructure of larger dimensions is not fully martensite. The steel is applicable to induction hardening.
42CrMo4 - ISO 4954-1-2024 - 材数库
• 为了提高冷镦性能,可以添加Al max:0.050%。 • 对于有淬透性要求的钢(见原件表6),允许与规定限值有轻微偏差(P、S除外)碳偏差不超过0.01%,其他元素的偏差不超过原件表2所示值。 • 可在询价和订购时商定,碳含量范围为0.04%(如0.33~0.37%)。 • 可在订购时商定较低的硅含量,此时,应考虑到可能对特定性能(如淬透性)产生的影响。 ①+AR=未处理(热轧状态);+AR或+PE=热轧或去皮;+AR+C=冷拉;+AR+C+AC=冷拉+球化退 …
42CrMo4 | Equivalent Materials & Metal Specifications
2023年9月26日 · Steel grade 42CrMo4 is an alloy steel for quenching and tempering. Reference standard: DIN EN ISO 683-2 standard (formerly EN 10083-3). Equivalent materials to this particular alloy include AISI 4140, 42CD4 (AFNOR), 708M40 (B.S.), SS 2244, and SAE 4140H, as they share similar chemical compositions and mechanical properties.